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As of today I’m 12 months and 1 day relapse free

What’s the best mental health advice you’ve ever gotten that motivates you in your mental health journey? Mine is before you help others you need to help yourself and also we’re more than our challenges and diagnosis. #ADHD #ADHDInGirls #MentalHealth #Depression #Motivation #AddictionRecovery #Neurodiversity

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🌟 Embracing Our Truth 🌟

Society often tells us to downplay the role of chronic illness in our lives, but what if we flipped the script? Instead of denying our truth, let's embrace it fully. Dive into the unseen world of chronic illness and its impact on identity in my latest blog post. It's time to rewrite the narrative and empower each other to show up authentically, chronic illness and all. 💪 Don't miss out—click the link below to read it now!

The Hidden Reality of Chronic Illness and Identity

#dailyroutines #ChronicIllness #Neurodiversity

The Hidden Reality of Chronic Illness and Identity

Learn to challenge the taboos around identifying with chronic illness, embrace authenticity, and empower others through vulnerability and connection.
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What’s something you’ve done this week your of accomplishing? Or what’s something your most proud of overcoming in your mental health journey?

My win was better recognizing when my anxiety is intensifying and groundhog myself and not being as hard on myself when for feeling anxious. My biggest accomplishment is not letting the misinformed, stigmatized views of others dictate how I relate to my mental health journey.

#ADHD #ADHDInGirls #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MentalHealth #MoodDisorders #Neurodiversity #Depression #wins #Motivation

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The days are like a hurricane,

The needs of all my people

Circling wildly around me,

Loud and demanding,

Determined, unceasing.

I am tossed and blown,

At the mercy of the shouting winds,

The beckoning howls,

The deluge of their cries

Soaking me to the core.

I'm a wet rage.

Ring me out;

You will find





Fear, and


Suddenly, the howling quiets,

The torrents calm,

And all is still.

I can breathe here in the eye,

The quiet evenings,

The peaceful times,

When all routines are satisfies

And snuggly hugs soothe weary eyes.

Here in the eye,

It's love I feel,

A quieted soul,

A grateful heart.


I step back out

Into the storm,

Refreshed, restored,

And re-armed,

To strive and fight

For those I love,

Knowing deep down

My arms'll never be enough.

But His love

So real, steady, and true

Has won this battle

Long ago.

He's gone before,

And goes with me now.

Sought or not,

He beckons me

To let Him carry me again,

In the storm,

As in the eye,

And forward on,

once this, too, has passed.

#Parenthood #Motherhood #MentalHealth #Caregiving #Anxiety #AuditoryProcessingDisorder #Neurodiversity #Hope

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Do I need a diagnosis?

I'm getting more and more people noticing that I seem to have some form of neurodivergence, unsure if it's ADHD or autism - my suspicion is that if anything it's dyspraxia. But I've not had a formal diagnosis and while I'm struggling at the moment I don't know if getting a label for what's going on will help so I'm wondering if anyone had any experience of getting a diagnosis as an adult, in what way did that help and what was the process like? Or, if you've not gone down that route, how was that? #Neurodiversity #Dyspraxia

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Embracing Self-Compassion: Navigating Neurodiversity and Growth in our ADHD journeys

Our inner voice, often harsh and unforgiving, can magnify feelings of inadequacy and failure, especially in a world that doesn’t always accommodate neurodiversity. By practicing self-compassion, these individuals can transform their relationship with themselves, viewing mistakes and challenges as opportunities for growth rather than evidence of insufficiency.

By taking a kinder approach to our self-dialogue we are fostering stills like resilience, and empowering ourselves to see that, even though we’re still going through challenging moments, we had the strength and the ability to defined those moments, even though we may not do a perfectly we still can do it. And even though this article is based on ADHD challenges, because it isn’t about being perfect it’s about having the skills in the clarity get through the different challenges life throws at us.

Self-Care, Compassion and Adult ADHD - TotallyADD

#adhd #Neurodiversity #MentalHealth

Self-Care, Compassion and Adult ADHD - TotallyADD

My inner critic at times gets very loud and overwhelming. Sound familiar? This makes any form of self-compassion or self-care seem impossible, especially when it relates to things I find challenging, or certain things related to my past experiences, and my Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder diagnosis.
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Embracing Self-Compassion: Navigating Neurodiversity and Growth in our ADHD journeys

Our inner voice, often harsh and unforgiving, can magnify feelings of inadequacy and failure, especially in a world that doesn’t always accommodate neurodiversity.

By practicing self-compassion, these individuals can transform their relationship with themselves, viewing mistakes and challenges as opportunities for growth rather than evidence of insufficiency.

By taking a kinder approach to our self-dialogue we are fostering stills like resilience, and empowering ourselves to see that, even though we’re still going through challenging moments, we had the strength and the ability to defined those moments, even though we may not do a perfectly we still can do it. And even though this article is based on ADHD challenges, because it isn’t about being perfect it’s about having the skills in the clarity get through the different challenges life throws at us. Self-Care, Compassion and Adult ADHD - TotallyADD

#ADHD #Neurodiversity


Self-Care, Compassion and Adult ADHD - TotallyADD

My inner critic at times gets very loud and overwhelming. Sound familiar? This makes any form of self-compassion or self-care seem impossible, especially when it relates to things I find challenging, or certain things related to my past experiences, and my Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder diagnosis.
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It’s Autism Awareness Month:) What’s something you find challenging about advocating for yourself or others?

April is Autism Awareness Month when we unite to amplify voices and celebrate the diverse experiences of those on the autism spectrum. Advocacy starts with simple acts: educating ourselves and others about autism, fostering inclusive environments, and listening to and uplifting autistic voices. By embracing empathy and understanding, we can create a more accepting world for everyone, making every action, no matter how small, a powerful step toward awareness and acceptance. #Neurodiversity #AspergersSyndrome #ADHD #MentalHealth

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Hello my dear friends, how do you deal with the exclusion and stigma that ableist society imposes on you and your family? I am having a very hard time these days.#Neurodiversity #MentalHealth #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #ADHD #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Depression Photo by Ray Rui on Unsplash

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Feeling Isolated and Excluded

I am feeling profound sadness because I am learning that my daughter is being systematically excluded from my husband's family. Despite my persistent efforts to integrate her into our extended family's social circle, she is constantly excluded from birthday parties and playdates.

Time and time again, I extended heartfelt invitations for my husband's cousins (they were all raised like siblings in the past) for them to join us and bring their children to my mother-in-law's house for my daughter and their children to have a playdate (as me, my husband and my daughter live in another city), and always invited everyone for her birthday parties. I always made it very clear that I wanted them close, and that my daughter loved to be around them. Yet, despite my repeated reminders, they consistently disregard her, almost never extending an invitation to her for their own events or celebrations.

Recently, I learned that one of their children was hosting a birthday party to which my daughter was not included. I could not understand why.

The one time she was invited, it was a bittersweet experience. She stood on the sidelines, as the parents who were hosting the party called the other children of the family together for a group photo, and simply left her out, they did not call her for the photo. During the same event, my daughter struggled with the noise and commotion of the party, and she would always ask to go to the bathroom or somewhere calm or put her hands in her ears to try to calm herself, despite the challenges, she insisted she wanted to stay because she was so happy to be included in the party. Instead of offering comfort or understanding, the grandmother of the child who was having the birthday party (my husband’s aunt) laughed at her distress.

My daughter, like my husband and myself, is neurodivergent. I can't help but wonder if her differences – her unique way of experiencing the world – are what drive this hurtful treatment.She is extremely sweet and well behaved, she just has a hard time with noise (and she gets nervous just when it is extremely loud, she attends other birthday parties of her classmates and she is completely happy). And she also has a hard time socializing, so probably her cousins don't think she’s fun to be around. But there is nothing wrong with her, it hurts as hell to realize that perhaps her adult relatives don't want her around because of her unique way. Me and my husband are not fun to be around, we are strange to most people, and I understand that the adults of the extended family don’t make an effort for us to be around, but extending that exclusion to my daughter is heartbreaking.

Does anyone have a similar experience? I am so sad and feeling so isolated by this experience, I would like to hear it from you. Thank you for your time.

#Neurodiversity #Depression #FamilyAndFriends #ADHD #Autism #SensoryProcessingDisorder
