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Happy? Me?

I generally find myself COMPLAINING…this ‘bad talk’ gets out of control when I’m on the depression roller coaster…but I just decided that I needed a break from the ride. So I’m doing the opposite & I’d like to share my (albeit brief) ‘feeling of happiness’ with all of you-maybe ‘it’ will help us until the next coaster. #Depression #opposite #whynot #HangOn

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#selfcare #DBT #BPD #MentalHealth #ChronicFatigueSyndromeampME

So I have been really unwell mentally and struggling to put my DBT skills into practice. My mum wanted me to go for a walk with the dog earlier which meant getting a crowded train and walking through a crowded town which is really hard for me with all the noises at the moment. She wanted me to look after her dog while she popped in and saw my uncle for half hour. I was hot, sweaty, head racing, tight chest etc etc the lost goes on. While I was in the park I thought to myself “slow down” I took a few deep breaths and took in my surroundings this is one of the pictures I took. I forgot how much I enjoy taking photos. The walk went really well I’m shattered now and I was able to deal with my anxiety at the time which is a big achievement for me today. So my E in self care alphabet today was ENJOY. I took in my surroundings and enjoyed what I saw and did. I didn’t overthink it I used #opposite actions to get involved.

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