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Where are you feeling stress in your body right now?

It’s no secret that stress affects more than our mood. It can take a toll on our mental and physical health as well. You could be embodying stress without even realizing it! If you’re dealing with digestive issues, head pain, fatigue, panic attacks, or high blood pressure that is out of the ordinary for you, and you’ve ruled out all other possible causes, you may be experiencing physical manifestations of stress — even if you’re not sure what’s stressing you out in the first place.

Take a minute to check in with yourself and find where you’re holding tension in your body. Can you identify what’s causing that tension? What can you do to try to relieve some of that stress over the next couple of days?

❤️ P.S. If you need a few ideas to get started, check out this Mighty story that’s full of quick and easy ways to ground yourself when you’re especially stressed or anxious: 15 Grounding Exercises to Manage Stress From Anxiety or Trauma

#MightyMinute #CheckInWithMe #selfcare #PostTraumaticStressDisorder #PTSD #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Anxiety #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #Migraine #MentalHealth #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #RareDisease #Disability #Cancer #Caregiving #AutoimmuneDisease

15 Grounding Exercises to Manage Stress From Anxiety or Trauma

"These can help you connect back to the present moment by settling into your body through the five senses."
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Share a piece of health advice that was actually helpful.

If you live with a chronic mental or physical illness, you’ve probably received unsolicited — and most likely unhelpful — advice. A lot of folks hear that someone lives with a chronic condition, mental illness, disability, etc., and they become determined to “fix” us or at least tell us about the magical supplement their barber’s niece’s college roommate’s aunt took that “cured” them. Whether the advice-giver genuinely has good intentions or just feels the need to spout unhelpful information, receiving unsolicited advice can be pretty darn annoying.

All that being said, there’s actually some good advice out there. That’s part of the reason why I’m so grateful for communities like The Mighty: I’ve learned so much about living with my health conditions from fellow spoonies! For instance, Mighty staffer @xokat introduced me to the Headache Hat (an ice pack that wraps around your head) in 2022, and it’s been a crucial component of my migraine self-care kit ever since.

Have you received any health advice that’s actually been helpful? If not, what advice would you give to someone else with your health condition(s)?

📰 P.S. Your answer may be used (anonymously) in a future Mighty newsletter!

#MightyMinute #selfcare #CheckInWithMe #MightyTogether #CheerMeOn #MentalHealth #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Depression #Migraine #RareDisease #Disability #Parenting #Caregiving #ADHD #Spoonie

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What is your go-to self-care technique when you’re feeling down?

When your mood dips, it can be helpful to have some go-to self-care techniques and practices up your sleeve so you can get on solid ground again. This can look like going outside, talking to friends and loved ones, playing video games, being creative, or even taking a break from your responsibilities.

What are your favorite techniques to practice when you’re feeling low? Share with us in the comments below.

#52SmallThings #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #CheerMeOn #MentalHealth #selfcare #RareDisease #Disability #Parenting #Caregiving #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #alwaysinbed #Autism #ADHD

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is JasonCRPA. I'm a Peer Advocate at a not for profit recovery community and outreach center. I advocate for people with mental health and substance use disorder. I write for an online publication call the Sober Curator and I have a personal blog about my own personal mental health and recovery journey. Nice to meet you all.

#MightyTogether #Depression #Recovery #SOBER #MentalHealth #selfcare #peeradvocate

If It Hurts, It Helps.

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Finally took a shower!!!

After not showering for a full year and a half, I finally took a shower today!!! #Depression #selfcare

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15% ●
🚿 Taking a shower/bath
7% ●
🪥 Brushing my teeth
7% ●
🏥 Going to a doctor's appointment
10% ●
🌳 Getting fresh air
17% ●
🚗 Completing a chore or errand
12% ●
🏋️ Moving your body
8% ●
🤝 Helping and supporting others
10% ●
🛏️ Getting out of bed
12% ●
⏰ Making time for self-care
2% ●
⁉️ Other (what did we miss?!)
543 votes
543 votes91 reactions13 comments
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How can you prioritize your mental and physical health this week?

Happy Monday, Mighties!

The start of another week can be a great time to set new goals — big, small, or anywhere in between! — or reevaluate our current priorities. Of course, when living with health conditions, we usually have to consider our conditions when we set those goals and prioritize our tasks for the week. We also have to be flexible with anything we plan because our symptoms can change day to day or even hour to hour!

While planning your week and determining what you’d like to accomplish, try to think of ways you can prioritize your mental and physical health along the way. Maybe you can incorporate a nap into the day you have multiple appointments scheduled. Perhaps you’d like to set up an extra therapy session. You could even set an alarm that will remind you to get some sunshine a few times this week. (I might have to try all of these ideas!)

Whether you’re incorporating self-care into the goals you’ve already established or you decide to set aside dedicated time to take care of your health, let’s try to brainstorm a few ways we can prioritize our mental and physical health this week.

#MightyMinute  #CheckInWithMe #selfcare #MentalHealth #Spoonie #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #Grief #RareDisease #Caregiving #Cancer #Anxiety #Depression #Disability #Migraine

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Your Friends Are an Accessory #Bipolar #PTSD #BPD #selfcare #Depression #Hope #advocate #Mania #Support

We really do need to be our own best friends, our own cheerleaders and our own advocates. No one can speak up for you better than you can, only you know the true depth of your darkness.

Which is ideal when you need to speak up for yourself or ask for help and do yourself justice when advocating for your needs, hopes and desires.

Yes, friends are cool, we can share our feelings, help each other out or even just watch a bad movie and have meaningless conversations.

The simplest things can make all the difference when connecting with your friends, your chosen family.

We can often find true beauty within our friendships, when you notice a familiar laugh or smile, or hear that warm voice saying, ‘Good night, sleep tight’.

We need that beauty in our lives, it is vital.

But when it becomes a necessity, things can become toxic very easily, slowly we rely on these companions for more and more, not always, but sometimes, and sometimes can be all it takes to sour a good apple.

When you start to trust your own judgement, discernment and advice you awaken a power within you that can really help you begin living now, only then can you give your full presence and gifts to those you hold dear.

Please cherish your relationships, but remember they are an accessory, you are the necessity.

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