Now that I have finally gotten used to this new level of pain I have been getting out of the house more and it is WONDERFUL.....but also, I am learning it gives me more room for pain too. Pain from strangers who don't know better and accidentally bump into you, pain from strangers who have little kids that kick your seat from boredom, pain from people in a rush who push you out of the way. SO much more pain that was not meant for you or anyone but it just happened. Accidental pain isn't the worst of course but it definitely doesn't feel good. And what is even of a struggle is trying to find a way how to react to it politely but also with your survival instinct to save yourself from more suffering. Makes me wish that proper etiquette for handling accidental pain was a thing.

Sorry but, that REALLY hurts. Please listen, I am not making it up.#AccidentalPain #painetiquette #Arthritis #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Fibromyalgia #Insomnia #lookbutdonttouch