So a normal day for me is waking up (in pain) and then basically arguing with myself on whether or not I’m in enough pain to warrant pain meds. You see I’m also a recovering addict. I have been clean for a while now. Years in fact. My pain management doctor and I are very open about it and he is also in fact my medical marijuana doctor. I work as a hearing specialist and I can’t really smoke a bunch of weed and go to work and be amazing. Some days I let myself suffer and suffer before I’ll take a tramadol. I mean it’s tramadol for heavens sake. Not OxyContin. Why do I have to let myself suffer because I am in recovery from addiction?? I know what I’ll never be in recovery from.... this pain. Between the advanced arthritis, dengenerative disc disease, a slew of other super exiting shit and the beloved fibromyalgia I don’t know how long I can continue to be a hero for !!! So the morning battle of do I or don’t I has begun. #painmanagementforaddicts #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #thissucks