Pure Red Cell Aplasia

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Pure Red Cell Aplasia
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Hi, my name is dendomz_3. I'm here because of my son suffering anxiety because he diagnosed Pure red cell aplasia last year until now monthly blood transfusion goes,injections he's is very depress,stress suffer anxiety he is 3rd year college student but now everything is put to an end because of his illness,he's fashion in drawing.


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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is Maddie. I'm here because I have a long list of medical issues and might like to share my story and see if anyone else has had anything I have and see if I can learn more. Beyond what I told The Mighty I have I also have Ataxia, Primary Sclerosing Cholongitis, and Colitis. Specifying the type of Depression I have is Episodic Depression. Also my medication causes insomnia and makes me immunocompromised. I’d really like to know how people deal with and live with an oppressed immune system. I’m currently unemployed because I’m so afr

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