Travel can be stressful. Throw in a rare disease or two and it can feel next to impossible.

Whether we’re driving a couple hours to see a specialist, venturing across the country to meet the one person who knows about our condition, or heading upstate for a change of scenery, there are a lot of questions we have to answer before hitting the road:

What is the best way to pack my meds? How do I fit my mobility aids into one suitcase? What happens if I have a flare-up during my flight?

I could go on.

If there’s one thing I know for sure, however, it’s that we’re a resourceful and creative community! What tips do you have for traveling with a rare disease? What have been your travel experiences?

P.S. Your answer may be used in our Rare Weekly newsletter and on our social platforms!

#RareDisease #ChronicIllness #Disability #CheckInWithMe #Travel #RareWeekly