Never give up HOPE & always search within
Multiple mental & physical "DIFFERENCE'S"#Depression , #CPTSD , #Cancer , #immune deficiency, #bothtotalkneereplacements , #lower back5--discsreplaced, #bonegraph , #rods onbothsidesofspine, #HeartAttack , #platesover eachhip, #AnxietyDisorder , #PanicAttacks , #Celiac , #ChronicMyeloidLeukemia , #coloncancd So you learn to live with yourself, & only share with those who are comfortable talking to you & listening to you. Otherwise, let them go !! I'm at peace within, but on the tough days, I share with one's that CARE !! SIMPLE...YET NOT !! BE AT PEACE WITHIN !! GIVE LOVE, expect nothing in return, & you will be GRATEFUL !! PEACE TO ALL