My husband began dealing with my parinatal depression by drinking liquor. He would continuously put me down emotionally...especially by calling me LAZY.

He just doesn’t understand me or my Bipolar depression. I’ve been manic twice since I was diagnosed in 6/2009. I went manic to be diagnosed and then again on my wedding day, 5/8/2015. I got pregnant in 1/2017 and *finally* as in 4 months ago, did I actually recover from what felt like an eternity of depression.

My husband has since sought out AA and is making huge strides in his sobriety. However, he always tells me that I have no motivation to clean house, cook and do basic chores. (He does have diagnoses OCD and won’t treat it which is super annoying...) I do work for a living and between my job and being a Mom, most of a lot of the house chores gets put on the back burner. It’s not that I am filthy, I just struggle with finding the time to take care of myself emotionally and mentally and raising a super strong willed toddler and working.

I’m just so tired of him calling me lazy. And I feel like that’s all he sees in me. And that I don’t offer anything to our relationship. We were in couples therapy prior to the pandemic and haven’t had a session since mid March. I’m struggline right now with feeling adaquite in my own marriage.

I will say that since he has been sober, our marriage has done a 180 and I’m really happy for that. I just *wish* he wouldn’t just see me as lazy anymore. When really, all I’m doing it trying to push through the bad days and find some light in my own self.

#Bipolar1Disorder #MarriageWithDepression #selfcareissues