I'm a mental health nurse giving support to my patients via telephone now rather than face to face due to Covid 19 distancing measures.

I'm also overwhelmed by lack of sleep and migraine attacks . It's a real struggle to support others when I'm feeling so completely depleted .

A lot of the issues my patients discuss are just as real for me . I'm a human being .This crisis is hard for me too particularly with my own underlying mental health issues. Please remember we (health care providers) don't have all the answers . No one knows when this will be over.
To my patients I want to say Im sorry if at times my answers to your questions dont feel reassuring enough.

I'm really looking forward to my annual leave even though it will probably be in lockdown. We all need rest and recuperation . Please take care of yourselves and be patient with the situation.
#Staysafestayathome #nhsnurses #COVID19 #Depression #CPTSD #weareallinthistogether #