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Three Day Rule #SuicideLossSurvivors #Family #Feels #Itsoktonotbeok

In our household we have a three day rule. When you need to go dark. Go dark, be sad, be angry, feel everything you need to and as deep as you need to. On day four get it out, write it out, shout it out, hit the punching bag, throw rocks. Process and let go and grow.
I’m in my three day rule, as the year comes to an end. I’m utterly aware that I no longer have a father, a mother that has never been a mother and is fading soon to be gone, a brother who is desperately ill and never to be seen and if seen again not sure of the outcome. While yes there is a release to that there is a sadness so deep like that of a rip current threatening to drag me out to sea... thankfully I know to swim parallel to the shore to survive. I will #SurviveAndThrive I always do. The journey just is sometimes a bit much.


First Thought

Howdy! Just posting to put something out there while learning how this app works. I’ve got a heck of a complicated life story, but I’ll horrify you with all that in due time. No need to rush. 😄

#SurviveAndThrive #MutantPowers #StrangerThanFiction #WholesomeFreak #TeamWeirdo #BeYourself #RatherQueer
