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#Family is BULLSHIT

I'll never forget when my aunt Linda told me #Autism is a choice you and your babies made. When my mom, her sister was diagnosed with #Cancer she said,"99% percent of people with #Cancer have a death wish, and are asking for it"

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“she gathers rain to rinse away all her guilt and pain she gathers rain to wash and cleanse and make her whole again”

#Relationships #Grief #Family #MentalHealth #artastherapy

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(The photo is of a paper that was randomly on the street in front of my house. It’s hard to read except for the “HIM” part.)

From “Burning Bridges”: Song by Sigrid

I could tell you the truth but you'd call me a liar
Tried to wave a white flag but you set it on fire

And that's when you start asking yourself why
You cry, they don't

That's how you know
You gotta let it go
Sometimes you just can't fix it
You love somebody
But you gotta let 'em go
Before you go down with 'em
Can't love somebody who loves burning bridges…
'Cause I tore me apart tryna hold us together

You gotta let it go
Sometimes you just can't fix it
You love somebody, love somebody
But you gotta let 'em go
Before you go down with 'em
Can't love somebody who loves burning bridges

#Grief #Relationships #Family #artastherapy

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From “Bloodline / Difficult Things”: song by Orla Gartland

I always feel like I'm the bad guy
'Cause I'm the one that up and left
It kinda feels like living two lives
and always tryna catch your breath
Now I've gotta go my own way

If you leave it all behind
Skip a beat in the bloodline
…you've been hiding all your life
It’s time
To skip a beat in the bloodline

I don't wanna run away
But you, you don't get me
I, I keep it all in
'Cause we never talk about difficult things

I keep it all in
'Cause we never talk about difficult things
We never talk about difficult things

#Grief #Relationships #Family #artastherapy

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Gᴏᴏᴅ Mᴏʀɴɪɴɢ #ᴡʜɪᴛᴇʀᴀʙʙɪᴛs #ᴅᴏɴᴛsʜᴇᴅᴄʟᴏᴜᴛᴜɴᴛɪʟᴍᴀʏɪsᴏᴜᴛ 🗣️🐣🪷💪

An unexpected and thoroughly enjoyable night away; wild camping with my beautiful son and his partner, Buttermere Lake in the Lake District National Park.

We decided to just go, we had no plans, it was quiet we had eaten our roast dinner, packed the car and went!

It was so refreshing, we found “our digs” at the bottom of a peek, we had a wall which helped as a wind breaker too, building a fire pit against it, boiled our water etc

Bovril for me! We had no signal, no music, no tech whatsoever, we played cards, went for a walk along the lake, built a fire and settled for the night.

I had never spent the night under the stars like that, the black sky super! the sounds of the babbling brook that was running along the bed of the peek, joining the lake, it was so tranquil and peaceful, i was a million miles away, can’t wait for more adventures now!

#Goodtimes #Family #priceless

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#TheMighty #Family #Depression #Suicide #MentalHealth #ADHD #Anxiety #PTSD #CPTSD

May the Son remove the fixed stone that keeps us in our tombs. May the Son rise upon us so we no longer seek the living amongst the dead, for “I came that they may have life,” defined as meaning “the Lord intimately sharing His gift of life with people, creating each in His image, which gives all the capacity to know His eternal life…to be obtained in fellowship with Christ (Bible Hub’s Strong’s NASB - 2222; 2222-2b), and have it abundantly” (John 10:10 NASB 1995).

So, Happy Resurrection Day, #mighty #Family

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#Suicide and #silence : #MightyTogether We Can Save A Life

Following this group’s leader’s “Elephant in the Room” first topic, let’s discuss suicide…as a preventive approach to the act of ending one’s life.

Two deadly enemies: suicide and silence. When discussing suicide openly it then becomes exposed. However, when it remains hidden, it festers.

Silence fuels suicide.

And those of us, like myself, who suffer with suicidal ideation (thoughts) tend to fuel this way of thinking by dismissing the logic of sharing our pain with others because it is easier to convince ourselves that we will only bother them if we call, especially during a suicidal ideation attack.

The act of silencing ourselves and the act of not openly and publicly discussing suicidal thoughts thus fuels that dark way of thinking. But exposure to this (now) common issue—that MANY people are experiencing—allows us to freely express ourselves, in person, virtually, or on social media writing platforms.

Basically, how about if we vastly expose the reality of suicidal ideation so that those of us who suffer with these thoughts can freely say, “Hey, I am struggling with thoughts of ending my life” without any hesitation. Swiftly exposing those thoughts allow us to release the weight of those dark thoughts that govern our minds in the midst of the suicidal thought’s storm.

Honestly, which is easier to do: respond to the vulnerable suicidal ideation person who exposes their dark thoughts before the act, or posting an emoji on a Facebook post that informs the world that our friend took their life?

Let’s #Talk about #Suicide and that #MentalHealth issue so that our conversations become the preventative vaccination for the act of suicide. Too many people are giving in to this disease of the mind:

An estimated 703 000 people die by suicide worldwide each year. Over one in every 100 deaths (1.3%) in 2019 was the result of suicide. The global suicide rate is over twice as high among men than women
( › WSPD
Global Suicide Statistics - IASP; 3.19.2024; 10:15PM (EDT)).

Let’s curb this grim statistic! I believe we can.

Let’s #Talk #Life , #TheMighty #Family , and make it common to discuss suicide, instead of wishing we only knew our friend or family member was silently struggling with ending their life.

#Depression #SuicidalIdeation #MentalHealth

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☆ " I Wanted To Thank The Mightie's For Cheering Me Up " ☆ #ThankYou #Family

° " I'm So Thankful For All Of You Responding... I'm At A Lost And My Confidence Is At An All Time Low... I Had A Severe Panic Attack Last Night... For An Hour Of Crying And Hyperventilating... And My Heart Was Racing... I'm Alittle OK Now... But The Damage Has Been Done... For My Recovery In Healing With My #PTSD ... It Will Take Time For Me To Heal From This... Sincerely, • Skaoi Kvitravn• #ThankYou

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How to cope when depressed and feel bad about a loved one’s mental health and chronic pain?

I get depressed and unhappy sometimes though I’m trying hard to change my life and do my best I often feel like a loser, I cry and feel negative though I try to be positive, my mom is often the same and worse than me, she struggles with chronic pain, I wish I could help her and sometimes I wish I was someone different a better version of myself, I put myself down and compare myself too much. I feel so lost sometimes :/ :( #selfcomparison #Comparison #loser #Depression #ChronicPain #illness #Health #Family #Parents #lost

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