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Body shaming #unique #bodies #BeYourself

In this system it’s sometimes hard to be yourself and really enjoy it. Every day we’re surrounded with stupid and mostly irrational dictations of beauty and fashion industry. Let’s focus on real beauty and real bodies. All of us are unique and beautiful no matter what. You are so beautiful,no matter what they say,love yourself as the way you are and be the best version of yourself 💕😊💕

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Repeat it until you believe it #Selfworth #Selflove #BeYourself

I am worth it!!! LOUDER .... I AM WORTH IT!! Hopefully tomorrow I'll truly believe this!

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Misunderstandings on Social Media

I’m getting really sick of most social media realms.

One of my friends posted: “You don’t have to run far or fast to stay fit.” With a meme on the benefits of running. This woman is always trying to purport this sport as something people should do.

I stated my opinion that I feel the sport isn’t for everyone, it’s not for me because of my ACL’s (one repaired) and my arthritis. She commented with articles on how running builds strong bones and connective tissue. I said that I was glad the sport was for her, but it’s not for me. She IM’d me, all butt hurt that I attacked her on her own page. That wasn’t my intent, at all.

I apologized. People just frequently misconstrued written words. Maybe, I’m just in a lot of mental anguish for bullshit I’ve been through lately?

I don’t know. I’m tired of stepping on eggshells with people. My feelings are also valid but I know I shouldn’t comment on anything, really. Only positive and agreeing comments are accepted, even at that, it’s usually about oneself.

“Be yourself; everyone else is taken.”

With me regarding the acquaintance it’s like this joke: “I saw people jogging past my window today, and it motivated me to get up and close the blinds!”

#SocialMedia blows #PTSD #Sadness #BeYourself -but mostly I just feel #SOCIALLYAWKWARD sometimes, Maybe I should just fade away..

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😬Our ‘Public Persona’😬

This is exactly what I, and countless others, do everyday - we put up a ‘public persona’ to hide what we’re truly going through. We pretend that we aren’t: in #AGONY or #depressed or #exhausted or #anxious . We pretend because we are #scared of how others would treat us if they really know what we were going through. The thing is though, by pretending we are something we’re not, we are giving ourselves more #Stress but also denying someone the opportunity to help us deal with the things that are really going on in our lives.
#itsokaynottobeokay #itsoktoneedhelp #ChronicIllness #chronicillnessawareness #ChronicPain #chronicpainawareness #mentalhealthmatters #MentalHealth #MensMentalHealth #CollegeMentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #Disability #IntellectualDisability #DevelopmentalDisability #InvisibleDisability #disabilityawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #FunctionalNeurologicalDisorder #FND #FNDAwareness #JointHypermobilitySyndrome #ChronicMigraineSyndrome #ChronicVestibularMigraine #HemiplegicMigraine #Migraine #BipolarDepression #ChronicDepression #Depression #ChronicFatigue #Anxiety #SensoryProcessingDisorder #BrainFog #PanicAttacks #PanicDisorder #notalone #BeYourself

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#Insomnia or Awake After Enjoying The Day? #Perspective Matters ❤️

Wow! What a day! I really had fun today, well, yesterday. I went outdoors and enjoyed a day of exploring my local area! This has been a hard task during the past six months. But????? Why I am still awake at 4:00AM? I don’t have a clue. But once again, no worries, I am simply enjoying this quiet time of the day. And I think it is because I am finally embracing my medical leave because of this breakthrough.

Two days ago, I woke and my mind was flipping thoughts like crazy! I tried to pray but my thoughts kept shifting; this is my new norm I often experience after sustaining my fifth concussion a year ago. But this time, as my thoughts flipped from one thing to the other, I had a thought: write each of your thoughts down. So I did. And within five minutes, I had recorded nearly twenty thoughts!!! And after writing every one my thoughts and feelings, which lasted twenty minutes, I was exhausted but….RELIEVED!!! 😁

So, I feel as if a new me has emerged from that moment on! The multiple thoughts stemmed from me viewing other’s lives on social media sites. But those thoughts faded after I jotted them down, in real time. Why? Because I realized, once I wrote down each anxious thought, how those thoughts and feelings were all based on comparisons: me comparing my life to posted photos of others, which are really my assumptions of other people’s lives. And those comparisons and assumptions have led me into a maze of fractured emotional thoughts AND anxiety.

Therefore, shortly after listing those many thoughts, I started enjoying my day. And now, after today’s fun activities, I am still awake because I am not emotionally overwhelmed from wasting time lamenting over my real life compared to posted snapshots of other people’s lives. Remember, those comparisons and assumptions are based on ONE SECOND of a person’s life captured by a camera.😉! But most importantly, those comparisons and assumptions are deceiving and very deceptive.

So, I will now address such thinking, instantly, before succumbing to the negative emotions that accompany my deceptive assumptions and comparisons. We are not on this earth to live like others. No! Instead, we are here to be our #unique selves impacting lives we encounter with our special personalities, skills, and talents.❤️

#BeYourself #conquer your #mindset , for you ARE #TheMighty person #created for #good #works !

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Being a better version of the person I was yesterday is hard enough. Seriously, I can't worry about how I am failing others.

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Creative outlets are the balm!

I started trying to get back to creating art, back to my artistic self. So, to ease into it, I’ve been making cards from dried pressed flowers and petals, from my garden. I’ve been embellishing them with paint, and highlighted details. It’s time consuming but extremely relaxing. It reminds me of adult coloring books, in its mind releasing and emotion settling qualities. It’s serene, it’s contentment..It’s finding a happy space. #Art #ArtTherapy #creative #PTSD #Survivor #BeYourself #Selflove