Word while so easily spoken. Many don't weigh the true weight these words may have. A few simple words can so easily change the day of someone for the better or worse.
Words spoken in the negative can alter the self-esteem of someone or drive their mental height.
The funny thing about negative words is they often on carry a weight for the person they are spoken to or about, and rarely any weight for the person that has spoken the words.
While words in the positive may carry a lesser metaphoric weight, their weight not only carries to the person they are spoken to or about, but they also produce a weight for the person speaking the words. Research has shown with a simple concept of gratitude, the person showing the gratitude receive a positive impact to their own mental health and happiness. So, lets image something we do so much throughout the day, communicate, could have if it was down in a positive manner. You may just increase your own mental health and happiness.
Checkout my latest blog post for a more in depth discussion on words both in a positive and negative manner.
September 1, 2022: Words..... The negative and the positive ...
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