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#GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder at it Again

When does it slow down?
Does it ever get tired?
Why me?
What’s wrong with me?

Ever since I was let go from my job in an email no less, the only place someone could find me is at home. I don’t go anywhere unless I absolutely have to, and even with that, Hunter my #esa dog HAS to be with me with one of my sons to keep me calm while I drive. My sons help me a lot which I’m always grateful, but I also feel guilt of having to ask them to help me with things I should be able to do myself.

If home delivery is possible and at a reasonable price, I would do that instead of saving even more money by going myself. I haven’t seen my PCP since I think October, and I haven’t been in a dentist chair close to a year. Besides my grandma and my two sons who live with me, I’m only fully comfortable being face to face with my best friend who I’ve known since we were basically in diapers, and she’s the only one I’d let come over to my house uninvited.

I get #Anxiety thinking of other uninvited guests. I get anxiety when my phone rings, or when I receive mail. I get anxiety when my mom or aunt asks me through text what’s going on with me.

I get #PTSD when random thoughts of disasters enter my mind… fire, tsunami, the mountains I live between erupting, or thoughts of what if whenever my sons want to go out (I still let them, but it annoys me that I have to tell them to text me to and from places so I know they’re okay). When I think of people I knew that passed from illnesses that were caught too late, which turns to me thinking what if it happens to me. Then to me not wanting anything to happen because I don’t ever want to leave my sons.

Having my sons changed a lot of how I think, and my #mentalwellbeing doesn’t take me to that dark place like it used to way before I became a mom. I want to stay here and see my boys excel in life and grow up to be amazing men. I want to see them have their own family… I seen too many loved ones dying to not want that happen to myself.

I’m trailing off again, so I’m going to put on soothing music and lay down with my dog Hunter… did I mention that late at night by myself, I sometimes feel alone?

Anyway… I’m always wishing for anyone dealing with similar things, wishing them #Positivity and #strength to tackle each day one at a time. #weareloved #wematter #wearenotdefinedbyourillness #EndTheStigma #mentalhealthmatters #MentalHealthAwareness

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One (RANT) DAY at a TIME

I’ll have #Gooddays & I’ll have bad, though I’m still constantly struggling with my #innerself daily. There are a lot of things I know I have to do, but either my #Anxiety gets worked up, or I’ll try to get it done, or I tell and/or give myself reminders & still somehow end up forgetting about it or I’ve become distracted.

I’ve noticed that my train of thought can now go all over the place. Which is why I now have a lot of notebooks that I could use if I needed to let it out.

When it comes to phone calls I need to make, or appointments to schedule… I spend hours worrying about the #Start - #during - & #End of the whole thing. Before I know it, I can’t call because they’re now closed. Of course now I’ve become #Irritated & #angry at myself.

It never used to be this hard. I know I need to find a job, even IF the job I had #terminated me in part of my #MentalIllness . I feel stuck with no #Positivity in site. & It doesn’t help that even with or without my anxiety ramping up, my #Pride will not let me ask for help.

•I give myself a ‘thumbs up’ daily for getting out of bed.
• I cheer when I have motivation to shower.
• I pat myself on the back, in my mind of course… when I do laundry & put them away.

I still struggle with driving anywhere if I’m alone. Hunter, who is my furbaby soulmate, but also my #esa is always by my side, & either one of my sons or sometimes both would join me so I’m not freaking out while driving on the road.

I feel #Guilt that I’m not being the mom that they need me to be. I feel bad every single time I ask them for help (when I’m getting #overwhelmed trying to tidy up the house). I am mad that my #breakdown caused me to fail in my performance at work & that I #Struggled to do the things they asked of me (because I was never informed from the start that there was info that they could show me & help me with #FMLA ‘cause it would’ve been easy back then to get things in order than it was a couple of months ago). I felt #invisible . I felt my #Voice didn’t matter. I tried… all by myself… in the end, the company I loved working at didn’t give a … about me.

I’m sorry for ranting about nonsense. :(

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Positive Affirmations

Repeat this to yourself anytime you are feeling down or are discouraged. Really believe your words. Your mind is more powerful than you think. #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression #affirmations #Positivity #Selflove #TheMighty

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Focus on positivity

I have some self-car/empowerment cards that I bought a long time ago and I never look at them. While I was cleaning out my nightstand this morning, I saw them and decided to pull one out. It always seems so cliche to say, "Focus on the positive!" But this also reminds me to "push negativity aside." That really is the first step, isn't it? With a busy day still ahead, I REALLY don't want my depression and anxiety to pull me down.

I am getting a cat tomorrow. I haven't had a cat in about eight years due to a very rambunctious Beagle. But I finally decided it's time. It will be a tough, arduous, and likely somewhat long, acclimation process, but I have missed having a cat so much and I want to give it a try.

Today is about getting my house ready for "Chester." I don't want it to be about my son's refusal to help clean, my mother's frantic call this morning about an innocent Facebook post, or even about the anxiety of the overwhelming task I have in just cleaning my office, not to mention the rest of the house (have to kitty-proof it). And I certainly don't want it to be about my inner-critic telling me that I'm already off my time schedule and, hence, I am a failure.

I want today to be about excitement. About love. Depression be damned. I want to be happy and feel good about my decision. I want to feel so good about rescuing an animal and bringing into a loving home!

So, Nancy...push out the negative! The positive is right there to make it's way in!

And I'm on to Walmart, albeit behind schedule, to get groceries and the last of my kitty supplies.

Positive vibes would be so appreciated!

#Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #Supportanimals #Positivity

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I feel ,but I am

Today, I looked in the mirror and thought,

I feel worthless.

But I said," I am worthwhile in the things I do, say and create."

I thought, I feel like I failed.

But said, "I am tired, but I got up, and a try isn't a fail."

I thought ,I feel afraid that my situation will never change.

But said, "I am changing; it's tough, but so am I."

I thought, I feel everyone looks at me like I'm damaged.

But I said," I am taking responsibility for myself and my health so they can think whatever they want."

I thought ,I feel like I don't fit in.

But I said, "I will fit in with the right people at the right time, but first, I must fit in with me."

Remember, every thought you say to yourself matters, and the positive thoughts help you grow.

©️ words and art by April Mansilla

#art #artheals #MentalHealth #Bipolar #Depression #Recovery #wellness #ArtTherapy #Positivity #Kindness

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So. I seldom feel well physically, I try my best to remain optimistic, and find good moments in each day.