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Medical trauma can leave you feeling voiceless.

You didn’t choose the earth-shattering diagnoses – you had a stroke, you have cancer, you need an amputation – you could die. Medical personnel speak in their terminology, and you feel lost. Suddenly, you don’t seem to understand the meaning of common words, and the world becomes an overwhelming, too-loud place.

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#DrBarbaraLouw #AquillaWellnessSolutions #Blog #healingjourney #inmyrosegarden #counselling #Cancer #BreastCancer #cancerinspiration #cancerrecovery #reconstruction #Recovery #Trauma #Trauma #recoverymotivation #Support #Amputation #Stroke #Mastectomy #FightCancer #kanker #cancersurvivor #cancerwarrior #cancerthriver #CancerFree #Support

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Managing Your Experience of Medical Trauma Step 1

No pain is insignificant. Suffering is universal.

Many people are too quick to say that "no matter what you are going through, someone has it worse" or "there is always someone with bigger problems". It is emotionally dismissive and conveys the message that your struggle is insignificant and that you are concern is, how is the situation affecting you? Full article:

#DrBarbaraLouw #AquillaWellnessSolutions #Blog #healingjourney #inmyrosegarden #counselling #Cancer #BreastCancer #cancerinspiration #cancerrecovery #reconstruction #Recovery #Trauma #Trauma #recoverymotivation #Support #Amputation #Stroke #Mastectomy #FightCancer #kanker #cancersurvivor #cancerwarrior #cancerthriver #CancerFree #Support

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Supporting a loved one who is ill

Supporting a loved one who is ill is a new and precious part of your relationship. As you embark on a road trip to wholeness, you will grow with that person.

@Read more:

If you feel helpless or stuck I invite you to contact me and make an online or in-person appointment today!

#DrBarbaraLouw #inmyrosegarden #Blog #healingjourney #counselling #Cancer #BreastCancer #cancerinspiration #cancerrecovery #reconstruction #Recovery #Trauma #Trauma #recoverymotivation #Support #Amputation #Stroke #Mastectomy #FightCancer #cancersurvivor #cancerwarrior #cancerthriver #CancerFree #MedicalTrauma #Oncology #AquillaWellnessSolutions

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Celebrating A Life with Chronic Illness and so Grateful for Milestones and Opportunities

I so hope you enjoy this blog post, celebrating over 4000 plays on my podcast.

In this blog post, I've included links to the top podcast episodes, which include interviews with other chronic illness warriors.

Each of their own chronic illness and disease journeys are just so inspiring and well worth listening to. The links are embedded in the blog post.

I am forever grateful for anyone listening, reading, following, liking, and commenting. You all mean the world to me.

I'm incredibly grateful to The Mighty for publishing so many of my articles since 2017 and providing me with a writing platform that encouraged me to become a published author last year.

Such blessings remind me daily that Chronic illness is a part of our lives, not all of our lives.

Love, Sam xx

Wow! I’ve Reached an Amazing Podcast Milestone.

#Podcast #Blog #author #lifestories #ChronicIllness #milestones

Wow! I’ve Reached an Amazing Podcast Milestone.

I’m so excited that my podcast, “Medical Musings with Sam,” has reached over 4000 plays.This is a huge achievement for a small podcast with a unique genre. I’m also apparent…
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What Would You Like To Do For The Rest of Your Life Despite Chronic Illness?

I'm so aware reading articles and blog posts can be tiring and time consuming, especially when living with chronic illness.

I've been writing for #TheMighty for over 6 years, blogging for 8 years and had my first book published in 2022.

I love that usually when my writing is published in any form, I get feedback from some readers that it was just what they needed to read.

Sometimes that might be feedback from one person who was in a place where they needed someone to really understand what they were going through. Sometimes the posts reaonate with 100's if not 100 000's of people. I really never know what the response will be, it's so hit and miss.

My aim with my writing and patient advocacy activities has always been to reach at least one person in their hour of need. That makes it all worthwhile.

With this blog post, I'd really like to encourage you to read it if the following applies to you:

1. You feel chronic illness has taken everything from you and it's all you can think about or,

2. You feel like you are at the point where you want to do more with your life, despite chronic illness but need some help or,

3. You just feel stuck and are not sure how to move forward or what you might be capable of doing.

This post is available on my blog and on my Podcast if listening, rather than reading, is easier for you.

Both links are below.

Above all, thank you to everyone who does take the time to read and give me feedback. I appreciate it so much.

Sam 💚

What Would You Like To Do For The Rest of Your Life?

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: What Would You Like To Do For The Rest of Your Life, Despite Chronic Illness?

#Podcast #PatientAdvocates #Blog #Plans #RareDisease #Arthritis #AutoimmuneDisease #Writing #Support

What Would You Like To Do For The Rest of Your Life, Despite Chronic Illness? by Medical Musings With Sam

When we live with chronic illness, the concept of continuous improvement seems almost ridiculous doesn’t it. But is it? Our lives, while significantly impacted by our diseases, don’t need to be completely dictated by them. We can make changes which will catapult us into a new future. We can see our new circumstances as a time of opportunity, rather than a time of retreat and despair.
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How do you cope when you’re super happy and then suddenly a bad thought makes you depressed?

Had a bunch of fun today went to cat shelter to volunteer, went for a super long walk like 1 h or 1h 30 mins kind of. Hung out with a friend at the cat shelter 🐱 and then went to get some yummy Korean type of food at Krunch Chiken or something it’s called. Then went kayaking with my mom and dad even though they fight a lot lol. It was fun and really peaceful with the beautiful nature, I’m usually not this active at all but then suddenly one bad thought 💭 or one little thing kinda snaps you from all of that, I guess cuz im a little stressed out about all the to do things I need to do these few weeks and trying to get on top of it and not procrastinate etc.

But im trying I guess maybe I feel scared like oh im too happy and not anxious or depressed lately and something bad will happen and take it all away, or it’s too good to be true and soon I’ll be worse again. Idk I guess it’s hard you can’t always be happy or calm and it’s ok to accept sad emotions too it’s a balance of it all.

#Nature #Depression #Walk #hike #negativity #Positivity #post #Blog #Curious #Mindfulness #Grattitude #Family #Trying #Recovery

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Blog about mental health home page

I have been thinking about writing a blog for a while now. I have a lot of things I want to say, but no one to tell them to. so I thought why not post it here? Give it a read if you like! :) home page

#Blog #Depression #Loneliness #Anxiety #SocialAnxiety

home page

a blog dedicated to mental health, travel and art
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Do you have a :) blog, YouTube channel or creative outlet?

Anything about raising awareness, journaling, being creative or artistic, whatever you do if you have a hobby that helps you? If you have a blog about your mental health or physical health condition(s) life and coping :) feel free to share! Or whatever ^•^ helps you most.
:) #creative #Outlet #MentalHealth #physicalhealth #Blog #Vlog #Youtube #coping #Life

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My blog

Recently started a blog where I talk about all things related to having a rare disease. For anyone who would like to follow along the link is below thanks.

#RareDisease #Blog

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