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Raising strong willed boys

Anyone have younger boys 6 and under that I could ask some questions about behaviors and such? #Tantrums

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Getting in my nerves #Parenting #momismentallysick

How do you guys manage your kids when they are in bad mood or in tantrums (not sure if my kid has a bipolar to)? I tried so hard to keep them calm and be in good mood even if i also need to keep myself in good shape. She cries for even just a tiny reason.

#Parenting #Tantrums #bipolarmom #keepingup


planning for future tantrums

a friend told me that if I post on here when I’m very emotional that there might be support from others #Tantrums #Rage I just wanted to check whether that’s how this works..?

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I’m upset and need to vent #angry #Depression #Whine #Tantrums #Anxiety

Ok so it’s the weekend. I want to go to the beach and spend time with my sister and my boyfriend. My dog is my best friend and I don’t like leaving her behind.
I asked if bringing the dog over is ok and she was all like “you pay what she damages, and you handle her waste.” Like sometimes things can be done without being said because she saying her spouse said that. I’m upset because she never told me before my dog was an issue. Now all of sudden she is! I’ll just rather not go because I don’t want to be with out her. My dog has been there for me when I have wanted to cut my self and stopped me with her beautiful concerned eyes. And when I fell and cried she put her head underneath mine giving me causes and calming me. Idk I feel like I need her often around me. Am I wrong? It’s her house so I’ll respect. But I’m still upset.

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