What are you thankful for in this hard time? #ThankfulTrain
I’m thankful for my dog and for my dad and for healthcare workers.
I’m thankful for my dog and for my dad and for healthcare workers.
Let’s Have A Good Day #ThankfulTrain
I read somewhere that being thankful helps you keep staying positive. Today I choose to be thankful for the 28 years I got with my mom. I choose to be thankful for my magnificent day at work. I choose to be thankful for my family and my friends #ThankfulTrain .
I’m watching part of Aquaman before I go to bed. I think it will be exciting. Also, I am thankful for my favorite baseball team (the Cubs), my dog and my family.
I had a great time celebrating someone’s birthday with a friend yesterday. It was so fun just to see people I hadn’t seen in a while—no phones, no nothing. Just a lot of food, presents and friends. #ThankfulTrain
I’m doing two days of this in one because I forgot to say that I connected with the outer world yesterday at my work and I connected with my family today. Doing good today and I’m thankful for #TheGoodDoctor tonight and other amazing things I will do today. #ThankfulTrain
I like that I am caring and that I have a vivid imagination. I like that I can write and that I can read. I like my personality most of the time. Thankful for books and journals today. #ThankfulTrain
Today I am glad that I am a kind person and that I have a good heart, even if it is imperfect. I embrace my imperfection today. I am proud of being imperfect, kind, beautiful me. I hope that this week has inspired a lot of people to think better thoughts of themselves like it did for me. #ThankfulTrain Thankful for my family, my friends and my warm house.
#kindnesschallenge I am being kind to myself by not being negative towards myself today on this cold day. It’s pretty frigid outside, to say the least, but I’m determined to work on some stuff today and just keep warm. Also, I’m doing yoga again today. It seems to help when I’m cooped up in the house. I am thankful for my house today. Also, I’m glad for blankets and dogs. #ThankfulTrain Time to read!
My goals today are to drink more water, read, write and have fun. Also, I get to go to work today. #ThankfulTrain Thankful for the journey. Thankful for water. Thankful for pajamas. Thankful for books. I hope you all have a great day. #52SmallThings Being kind to myself by reading some more. Reading helps my brain learn.