I have bpd, anxity, boi porl2 and depression. I have been lost in my addition for almost 16 years, for one drug or another..I have been in a handful of detoxes, Hospitalized numerous times for suicidal attempts, and thoughts of suicide. The last 4 years have been harder on me since I got addicted to meth, it makes my bpd and Boi polar2 and anxiety even more, intense rage out burst more often unexplainable breakdowns an over all it makes my illness harder and more miserable to deal with. I just got kicked out of a shelter\ program that would have helped me tremendously.. But I can't shake my addiction and ended up relapsing a week and a half before my 6 months this would have been the longest that I have not done any drugs in 16 years. I am beating myself up for the relapse and feel hopeless that ill never overcome my addictions.. #bpdandmeth #helpme #OnedayAtaTime #tryingtostaysober #mentalillnessandaddition #paryingformysobriety