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My narcissistic mother made of mockery of my feelings & suicide prevention month post...

First I want to say, September is Suicide Awareness Month. In honor of this month I shared my thoughts on my personal social media. I shared my own trials and tribulations.. to which my mother made of joke of my post. I will copy and paste what I wrote below and attach the photo I added to the post below:

"Sparkling with resilience, the semi-colon tattoo on my skin tells a story of triumph, a testament to the human spirit's capacity to persevere. It symbolizes the darkest moments, the times I felt lost and hopeless, when surrender seemed like the only escape. Yet, I chose to hold on, to keep going, one day at a time. 💪I think of those who stood by me during my darkest times, their unwavering support, their unconditional love, and their unrelenting belief in me. Without them, I would have missed out on the breathtaking sunrises, the warm embraces, and the joyous laughter, and beautiful celebrations that followed. I would have missed out on the opportunity to love and be loved, to experience the beauty of connection. I would have missed out on meeting my person, and gaining another family and added them to mine❣️. I am a warrior, scarred but unbroken, with a story that will ignite hope in the hearts of those who feel lost. My tattoo is a reminder that life is a tapestry of moments, some dark, some light, but all precious. It's a declaration that I am still here, still fighting, still loving, and still living.The day I got this tattoo, will forever be etched in my memory as a milestone, a celebration of where I am in my journey, and a reminder that no matter what lies ahead, I will face it with courage, with strength, and with the knowledge that I am not alone. This is my testimony. My truth."

My narcissistic mother told me that my post was dramatic, stupid & pathetic.. I feel like my own mothers won't understand me, they will never get me. ever. I feel so unseen, unloved... advocating for things like this because I have been through it more than once is a passion of mine because I want to help others. Spread awareness. #SuicidePrevention #SuicideAttemptSurvivors #OnedayAtaTime

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Not All Saviors Has Wings. Sometimes They Have Paws.

On this Monday as I wait for sleep to get here (it is now 4:07am)… I just wanted to give a shout out to my little Hunter baby here.

On December 17, 2022 I had every intention of adopting a doggy and giving him a home.m, not knowing that eventually I would see that I was wrong about me being the savior… he saves me every day.

If you have a wonderful furbaby like Hunter here, give them a big hug and a kiss on their head for they stick with us even when we are at our lowest.

If you don’t have a furbaby (yet), give the person you love or even the person who’s been by your side, never giving up a hug of appreciation.

Let them know how much we appreciate them being in our lives, even at times we might not show it.

Also, give yourself a hug, because YOU are one STRONG individual and I and Hunter believe in you.

#OnedayAtaTime #youmatter #youareloved #YouAreNotInvisible #YouAreAStrongWarrior


#Depression #Hope #IfYouFeelHopeless #darkness #OnedayAtaTime #BipolarDisorder #MentalHealth #perseverance #AFightWorthFinishing

The Light Returns

Each night I watch the sun disappear
As the light fades I become filled with fear
Will I ever be able to see the beauty again
I’m curled on the floor my mind screaming when, when, when
The cold floor causes my body to shake like a leaf in the fall wind
I want to move but the darkness has me pinned
I used to have strength to stand tall again
Right now I feel so close to the absolute end
I take a deep breath watching my chest rise and fall
Stand tall, stand tall, stand tall I hear someone call
I have endured what feels like an eternity of darkness
But now the light begins to seep in and I can once again see my purpose
It’s as if my eyes are open for the first time
I lost track of my path because I had become blind
I look up now and the light fills my mind body and soul
With the love of others I’ve been pulled out of the black hole
Before darkness comes again
I take some light and store it in a sacred bin
I’m reminded that the darkness doesn’t have to erase my hope
Instead it can clean it with a simple bar of soap
So I don’t wait for the bitter end to arrive
I look at my my life moving forward walking with a tall confident stride

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Know Your Limits

It’s been a while since I’ve posted. I’ve had a lot going on emotionally and physically. I’ve had to learn that it’s ok not to be ok no matter how others make me feel. If you’re struggling, I hear you and sending prayers and good vibes your way. #ChronicMigraines #OccipitalNeuralgia #Fibromyalgia #ADHD #Fibromyalgia #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #OnedayAtaTime

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Embracing the Roomba

Mom passed 7 months ago and grief isn’t simple (for anyone). Since early May, my grief has tangled so tightly with my bipolar depression, anxiety, aging, chronic pain, and highly sensitive nervous system that I’ve been left with a knotted ball, growing heavier and heavier.

I move between rooms of our home, no routine, no logic. I will do one-quarter of a task before leaving for another spot where I’ll notice another thing to do and before it’s finished I retreat to the couch. It's a great deal like a Roomba (and if I could fit under the couch like the Roomba, I'd hide there some days).

In one room I will cry because I can’t tell if it’s a King sheet or a Queen and leave the bed unmade. So I'll pull out all my nice Sharpie markers to draw but then can't think of anything to doodle. So, I'll go for a walk only to turn back by the end of the street because I’m just too physically weak (or it’s much hotter than I thought). Eventually, I'll make it into my office to edit an essay but go online to research my local politicians instead. Soon I'll start crying again and go outside to pull weeds. On the porch, I’ll read a single paragraph of the same book I’ve started and stopped four times since Mom passed and then give up and take out the trash but not the recycles.

Perhaps it is post-pandemic, empty-nest, aging-brain induced ADD? I am certain my friends and family with ADD can relate to this Roomba feeling. Grief itself brings a disorientation as the brain accepts that someone should exist that does not anymore.

And while I’m not ready to call this thought "hope," at least today, in this moment, I find comfort in the ways of little Roomba:

move forward a little at a time,

spin away from obstacles to find another path,

be patient with the process, and

return to base to recharge your batteries.

#Bipolar #Grief #funwithanalogies #patience #Depression #OnedayAtaTime #Analogy #KeepMoving #rest


I’m new here! Hello!

I have lived with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue since I was 14 years old. I was recently diagnosed with CKD Stage 3A (which is scary to me), and a rare condition called Hypophosphatasia (adult onset). I am also immunocompromised and get sick almost weekly or every 10 days with something new. Hoping that being a part of a support community that can understand, will be an encouragement in my life. I am so weary of it all!
#weary #persevere #OnedayAtaTime #exhausted

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Live For Today

I used to wait on special occasions to wear certain clothes, perfumes, etc.. Then, I realized that every day is a special occasion and I should start living like it was. #ChronicMigraines #OccipitalNeuralgia #ADHD #Fibromyalgia #Anxiety #Depression #CheckInWithMe #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #OnedayAtaTime