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#52SmallThings #Week8Challenge

Hey all, it’s me! I forgot to set my goals this morning, so I’m here with my three goals:

Physical: get outside even if it’s just taking my dog out.

Mental: Keep the positive vibes coming

Emotional: going to see a movie for my emotional health tonight. I love movies. They don’t always cheer me, but I just love going to the theater to see them. I’ll be seeing Vice, if anyone is wondering. I’m excited for it.

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#52SmallThings #Week8Challenge

This week has gone by fast! Forgot to post for a few times. It is still morning (9 minutes), so I’ll say that

Physically: I need exercise or yoga

Mentally: I need to stop just scrolling through my phone.

Emotionally: I need to write and I need to meditate. #Selfcare

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#52SmallThings #Week8Challenge

So yesterday I forgot to write down my goals. Today I think my goals would be...

Physical: Go to the gym

Mental: give myself credit for all the things I have done well.

Emotional: more #LionKingStuff (as in, not so many worries). Yeah, still working on that one.

Question: Anyone feel like their symptoms worsen during “that time of month?” #Periods

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#52SmallThings #Week8Challenge

#52SmallThings Physically I need to do more yoga today. Mentally, I just need some calm and I need to write. And I forgot what the third one is so I’ll have to post this and then add on. Lol.