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School anxiety!!!!

I know with the middle of the school year those of us in school or uni may with anxiety disorders, and depression, and we nerodivergents are FEELING the school anxiety!! I thought I'd share some things that I bring with me to school that help me be less anxious!!! (These things help me but are not a cure-all!!!)

earplugs!! I always feel overwhelmed at school and earplugs have helped me so much! I love the loop earplugs because they're so discreet but they are pricey!! an extra sweatshirt I personally sometimes in the middle of the day decide I hate my outfit and need to change and without my trusty sweatshirt I often have panic attacks! mine is just a giant heather gray sweatshirt fidget. I use wire ring fidgets religiously and love them!! extra shorts and undergarments!! along with my sweatshirt having these on me helps my anxiety so much!! Deodorant If you're like me and have TONS of anxiety about smelling bad this is a must-have and, if you like it you can also pack perfume!! stick on heating pads!! This is my lifesaver as with my super painful cramps I often have to put almost four of these on!! be careful to read the instructions as you can accidentally burn yourself This is all I can think of!! Add more in the comments and have a wonderful day!!! love!!!! #Anxiety #Narcolepsy #School #Periods #ADHD #SPD #AuditoryProcessingDisorder #AutismSpectrumDisorder #MentalHealth

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A new episode of The Mighty Podcast!? ‼️ Period Paint Points

Do you ever feel like riding a horse while on your period? Neither do we, but apparently period product commercials believe we do (and we have #opinions!). In this episode of The Mighty Podcast, host Ashley (hi that's me!) is joined by @camararollin, Shruti @chronicallymeh, and @skyeg to talk about the “taboo” experience that is having a period. They discuss societal “norms,” what doctors do – and specifically don’t – know, and just wait to hear some of the go-to euphemisms we use when it’s that time of the month.


New episodes of The Mighty Podcast coming to you monthly! What topic do you want us to dive into?

#ChronicPain #PolycysticOvarySyndrome #PMDD #Periods #Podcasts #Endometriosis

The Mighty Podcast

Listen to The Mighty Podcast on Spotify. The Mighty Podcast infuses the health space with positivity, humor and vulnerability. Explore topics on mental health, chronic illness, rare disease, disability and more. Continue the conversation with a community who gets it on
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Catameninal Epilepsy #FlareUps #cramps #episodes #heatingpad #Advice

So I was diagnosed with catamenial epilepsy three years ago after having seizure like episodes around my period. However, I wanted to know if anyone else had severe pain and partial blackouts during this time as well?

I’d have these flare ups ( light/food sensitivities , joint pain and GERD) that are so frequent in between it worries me sometimes.

If anyone with catamenial epilepsy has these symptoms too please like this or comment so I know I’m not alone.

#CatamenialSeizures #Jointpain #Photosensitive #Migraine #foodsensitivies #Periods #help


Struggling so much today.

To anyone who deals with tricky menstrual cycles, does it exacerbate chronic pain and or or chronic illness symptoms? My mood has absolutely tanked too. The bleeding hasn't even started yet. Periods remind me of all I can't have too. Ugh. 😨 #menstruation #Periods #ChronicPain #MoodDisorders


How do you know when to go to the doctor? Should I go?

I've had chronic pain for a few years and haven't gone to the doctor in almost a year. I considered going a few months ago when I had really bad stomach pain or when my menstrual cycle began getting irregular (it has remained that way) . Or a few times when my legs just kinda give up. Or about my shut-downs (I won't talk or move for 1+ hours). Today I had bad chest pain for 5-10 minutes. I can't drive so I would need to inform someone else of my symptoms, only problem is my anxiety prevents me from saying anything to anyone, including doctors. #ChronicPain #Periods #Confusion #Shutdowns


#PMDD is an ongoing battle and I'm tired.

I've tried birth control, anti depressants, and therapy. I have even been able to finally talk with my husband about all my hormonal issues but, I feel I won't be able to fully escape the crippling #Depression that comes monthly before my #Periods . I started #Cannabis edibles, months ago, which has made a massive dent in my PMDD. Having #Endometriosis and #PolycysticOvarySyndrome on top of it is painful. I have been dealing with this since the age of 12, I am 34 now. I'm exhausted.


How can I get rid of heavy periods and pms?

Every time it's the same. My periods and my pms are always heavy and cause many side effects like, pain, cramps, nausea, dizziness, exhaustion, and sometimes passing out. Another problem is that I often have it twice a month and that hormonal medication doesn't work well and causes uncomfortable side effects. How can I get rid of it? #Dysmenorrhea #Period #Periods #NauseaAndVomiting #CyclicVomitingSyndrome #PMS #exhaustion #Passingout


Painful, heavy, but short-ish Period? What to ask the doctor?#Periods

I got off my birth control because my husband and I wanted to try for a baby. When I was a teenager my periods were irregular and somewhat painful and when I got to college they were VERY irregular (missing a period was normal for me) and I’d be in a ton of pain when it finally decided to show up. I’ve been off my birth control which helped a lot for 2 months and each month I felt like I was dying. The symptoms are so bad that even my husband said I handle pain well and he has never seen me this miserable. #MenstrualCycle #MenstrualPain



The Me Luna SHORTY SPORTS Cups are 30% shorter than normal menstrual cups. This product line was designed for women who need shorter cups due to their gynecological conditions
Menstrual Cup
#MenstrualCycle #MenstrualPain #menstrualcramps #menstrual #Periods


#52SmallThings #Week8Challenge

So yesterday I forgot to write down my goals. Today I think my goals would be...

Physical: Go to the gym

Mental: give myself credit for all the things I have done well.

Emotional: more #LionKingStuff (as in, not so many worries). Yeah, still working on that one.

Question: Anyone feel like their symptoms worsen during “that time of month?” #Periods

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