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What's your door of hope?

Sometimes, when bad things happen it allows a previously overlooked door to open. Sometimes, these doors can lead to good things that we would have missed otherwise. I love the idea of taking my valley of trouble and turning it into a door of hope. What's your door?

I was caught up in the rat race of putting my hope in my husband's job and putting security in our bank account. Over the past four years, we should have been plunging into debt. (Husband lost his good job, I work for a passion not a good income...and medical costs out the wazoo!) Instead, we have seen the generosity of people we know and of unknown sources bless our small income. I have learned so much about where to put my trust and hope and how to take things one day at a time and not worry so much about the future. An amazing gift!
#1000gifts #joythroughthanks #selfcare #LymeDisease #ChronicIllness

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What's your silver lining?

Without cold, cloudy days I dont appreciate warm, sunny ones. 🌞 Without tired, hard days I forget to delight in my more energized days. 🤗 In most negative things, we can choose to see a positive. 👍 Today, my negative is a busier week than I've had in a while. 😓 But that means I have expanding opportunities to work and get paid! 😎
What is your silver lining today? ❤#1000gifts #joythroughthanks #selfcare #LymeDisease #ChronicIllness

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What is today's gift?

Join me in looking for joy in the small things by fostering an attitude of thankfulness! #1000gifts #joythroughthanks

Gift 3,241: Today I am thankful for the gift of sore, used muscles: a good day after a bad day. Tired days are hard to accept, but without a bad day, would a better day's renewed energy be so exhilarating? I get such a rush from the ability to push my body after a sedentary day and do a physical task, to feel the strain of sore muscles and the swell of satisfaction after accomplishing a task I put off yesterday.

What small joy can you discover in today? #ChronicIllness #LymeDisease

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Gift 3,239: Sweet Adaption

It was frustrating when I got my food sensitivity results back and I had to take out 20-some foods including vanilla, cinnamon, dairy, coffee and yeast. But I have discovered through forced creativity that I love foam-whipped London fogs and scones, so i find joy today in sweet treats that I can eat with my morning devotions #1000gifts #joythroughthanks #ChronicIllness #LymeDisease #FoodRestrictions

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1,000 Gifts (and beyond)

I read Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts 3 years ago, and I've almost filled up my notebook with daily thanksgiving and joy-finding in the small things. Today I'm on number 3,237, which is my story getting published here! I'm going to start sharing some of the small things I'm thankful for and finding joy in and I'd love to hear some of yours! #MightyTogether #ChronicIllness #merrymonday #1000gifts #joythroughthanks