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Easy quick protein filled meals while recovering from a bad flare? I can’t eat any red meats or fish

Hi everyone. I’m new here. I’ve been battling a really challenging flare recently. I’m 25 years old and I was diagnosed with Crohns when I was 7 years old. I have been really lucky growing up, going through very few flares until I turned 20. Ever since then I have had at least one flare every year, constantly needing IV fluids& meds, constant body aches and fatigue. I know my nutrition intake hasn’t helped but the thought alone of most foods, and now all meats, makes me nauseous. When I do work up the courage to eat any meat, it comes up within an hour. I also have to stay away from beans and seeds, they tend to upset my stomach too. Please offer any suggestions you may have for meals that will help me get through. Sometimes having no one around who understands makes me feel crazy or like an “annoying picky eater”. Feeling so overwhelmed these days. #CrohnsDisease #CrohnsFlare #FoodRestrictions

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Food Anxiety #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD

I have Ulcerative Colitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I have been in remission for a while now. Yet, I still suffer everyday. 80% of the time I eat #Glutenfree . I don’t drink soda, alcohol, or even many juices. If I do have juice I usually water it down. I switched to a limited about of decaf coffee with almond milk, or almond creamer. I have an entire mental food/drink list that are “Okay” and “NOT Okay”.

I still have days where I feel like I’m going to shit my intestines out of my body. Pain so bad that I will literally undress while sitting on the toilet because I feel as if I am going to pass out. I have days where my abdominal pain is worse than any labor pain I have ever had. It really sucks. It sucks because I hate feeling so ill and exhausted. I hate being so limited. I also hate it because I love food. My favorite is chocolate pastries, cakes, and truffles. Sugar is such a huge NO NO when you’re having symptoms with UC or IBS. I legitimately now have a love/hate relationship with food all together. For so many years no food has been directly associated with pain that I hate to eat. Even more recent, this year my traditional “go to” foods, and snacks have been bothering me now. I feel like I can’t enjoy anything. Twice this year I had to go to the ER due to black beans! My favorite are raw veggies and salads. Talk about feeling F***ed up! The bloating doesn’t help either. It is so hard to even muster up the strength, the courage to eat a simple snack let alone a meal.

Food has had such a strong impact on my life. I grew up loving food, all kinds of foods. Now, I have so much #Anxiety tied to food that I struggle to even enjoy the things I was once did. I just want to enjoy something basic like #Glutenfree cereal without feeling like I’m going to pass out and shit my pants. I do my best to breathe through it like you would during childbirth but, damnit the pain is annoying. WTF bod! Just act right for one F***ing day! The only plus side to my misfortune is that it has made me live outside my comfort zone A LOT! I have tried different foods, different diets, and what not, and in turn my kids have had access to a lot of different things. We often bake gluten free foods from scratch which has encouraged my kids to cook as well as be self sufficient in the kitchen.

I just wish I wasn’t so afraid to eat all the time. I miss being able to let loose with my dietary restrictions here n there. For some reason this year my body seems to not want 70% of what I eat. I could’ve eaten a steak weeks ago and today it messes me up. Or I could’ve been fine with pasta sauce and right now for some reason it’s too much. It’s like make up your mind and stick to it lol. Come on self, why can’t we be friends??? #UlcerativeColitis #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #dietarysensitivities #diet #Foodanxiety #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD #FoodRestrictions

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Gift 3,239: Sweet Adaption

It was frustrating when I got my food sensitivity results back and I had to take out 20-some foods including vanilla, cinnamon, dairy, coffee and yeast. But I have discovered through forced creativity that I love foam-whipped London fogs and scones, so i find joy today in sweet treats that I can eat with my morning devotions #1000gifts #joythroughthanks #ChronicIllness #LymeDisease #FoodRestrictions


A short guide to CSID #csid   #EatingIssues

What is CSID?

Congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (CSID) is a genetic disorder that affects a person’s ability to digest certain sugars.

What sugars?

Sucrose (a sugar found in fruits, and also known as table sugar) and maltose (the sugar found in grains)

What happens if you eat foods with high levels of starch/sugars?

After ingestion of sucrose or maltose, an affected person will typically experience:

Bloating, abdominal pain ("stomach ache"), and malabsorption of other nutrients. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, or reflux-like symptoms.

In some children, these digestive problems can lead to failure to gain weight and grow at the expected rate (failure to thrive) and malnutrition.

(In others with CSID the symptoms may mistakenly be thought due to something else, such as functional GI disorders like irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea (IBS-D) or dyspepsia.)

How common is it?

“The prevalence of CSID is still unknown and a subject of study and debate. Estimates of prevalence in people of European descent generally range from 1 in 500 to 1 in 2,000, and fewer African Americans are thought to be affected. The condition is much more prevalent in the indigenous populations of Greenland, Alaska, and Canada, whereas many as 1 in 10 to 1 in 30 people may be affected.

Nevertheless, more recent studies suggest that CSID may be more common than currently estimated. It is possible that some people remain undiagnosed and that the incidence is higher.”

What don’t you have?

Basically two types of enzymes that break down sugars (+starch.) This enzyme is found in the small intestine and is involved in the digestion of sugar and starch. It is responsible for breaking down sucrose and maltose into their simple sugar components. These simple sugars are then absorbed by the small intestine.

 “Gastrointestinal symptoms may differ among infants, children, and adults affected by this enzyme deficiency.” Keep this in mind if you look at the links at the end, I do not have all of the symptoms even some of the most common ones I do not have, but I do have a lot.

 Eating foods I’m not supposed to can lead to:


Abdominal Pains




Slowing down both physically and mentally (takes longer to think about things)

Mood Swings (mostly negative, irritability is high)

Dry Skin

Even More Serious Issues Include:

Eventual Cancer

Kidney Stones

I have personally been hospitalized as a baby/toddler because I was dehydrated because I was eating foods high in starch and sucrose (sugar). We were not aware of this (CSID) at the time. 

Also in elementary school I got super sick from it and ended up with really bad upper respiratory problems for a while.

#csid #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #RareDisease  #Dehydration #FoodRestrictions

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What are your trigger foods?

What are your trigger foods, their reactions? Or do you guys have a specific diet that you would gladly share. Been so experimental and ending up with my Irritable BS going on and on. Need some advise atleast. #Fibromyalgia #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #FoodAllergies #FoodRestrictions #diet so far found out 2 of my triggers are garlic and corn. 😩


Need some encouragement #FoodRestrictions #Depression

#EatingDisorders One of the things I'm having the most trouble with in recovery ( aside from eating is wearing pants with a waistband. I'm fine in my yoga pants or workout clothes but I can't wear regular pants without "feeling" that waistband or my thighs in them. It makes me incredibly anxious all day. I know logically that my pants fit and are not too tight but they feel tight. When I was in the depths of my ED I weighed under 100 and used to have to pin my pants to stay on and now I don't have too and it is freaking me out. The last time I was this anxious I ended up in the psyche ward after a suicide attempt. I don't know why this is such an issue for me. Thanks for any insight.

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A silent thank you to all who have supported me through this journey. It was funny to me at first that those who have encouraged me the most are the friends I just haven’t met irl yet. ♥️ But then, who can really know what we go through with this life of #ChronicIllness unless they’ve experienced it themselves?

And then, I’m grateful that not many of my close friends or family understand this.

Because I wouldn’t wish it on anyone 💭

#ChronicPancreatitis #AutoimmunePancreatitis #AutoimmuneImmunodeficiency #sjogrens #AdrenalGlandTumor #FoodRestrictions #CeliacDisease #PrimaryImmunodeficiency


#EatingDisorders #FoodRestrictions

To me this is good. Falling back into the old routines. The eating disordered ones anyway. I suppose it’s not great, but to me, this is good. I’m getting somewhere again. I’m being productive. Losing weight is good. I miss my scale. I won’t be traveling without it again.