A Star Is Born

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We were born #PerfectlyImperfect #MightyTogether

Inside each of us is a beating heart. Inside each of us is a set of veins that carries blood through our systems and keeps us alive! Inside each of us is a nervous system, that transmits signals when triggered.
We were born #PerfectlyImperfect!
We were #BornThisWay. And you know what, #Youreok just as you are!
There's absolutely no one else like you. There's no one else that this world needs than what YOU can give it.
When you were born, the world said #AStarIsBorn!


This One Hit Fast

Between watching #AStarIsBorn last weekend, and #Daylightsavingstime ending, I have spiraled quickly into a bad bout of #Depression . I typically get seasonal, but not usually until after the holidays. It’s going to be a long winter 😔

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Movies can hurt

Saw #AStarIsBorn last week and it hit me so hard that I could only sit in my seat and cry when it was over. My husband took me out to the car and I cried all the way home. I felt so deeply the look on Bradley Cooper's character Jack's face--near the end just before he closes the garage door. I know that look; I've been right where Jack was in that moment.
Yes, it was triggering, but ultimately cathartic because I was able to talk about it with my husband, and again a few days later with my therapist. Mr Cooper mirrored my deepest emotion, and for that I'm grateful.
#CheckInWithMe #AStarIsBorn

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A Star is Born

If you saw that big bald guy ugly-crying in the back row of the theater last night that looked like me, it was not me. But if it had been, I'd have been crying for so many more reasons than what was playing on the screen. No spoilers, but the movie is an incredibly well done mental health, emotionally exhausting roller coaster. Seriously though, very emotionally intense. #AStarIsBorn