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University Day

It's off to university today for me. I'm studying for a part time masters while also working almost full time in the NHS. Uni days are always really enjoyable but tiring. Before my diagnosis I wouldn't have appreciated how much something as simple as being somewhere different would affect my condition. This is my third day at Uni and the biggest problem is my back. I don't have my specialist desk chair or my sit stand desk at Uni. 4 days in a normal chair and my back is feeling horrible. I also notice over the 3 days that my inflammation markers go up resulting in swelling to my hands and feet. Today we have a presentation assessment. I'm just hoping that my ILO is OK and I don't start coughing during it.
It's not all bad though, I get to spend 3 days with some lovely people and I've discovered even at 51 there's still lots to learn. This evening and tomorrow it will be important to be kind to myself. I'll need time to rest my mind and my body.

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Welcome to my blog

I'm writing to introduce myself to the Mighty. I'm a life coach specialising in helping people with chronic illnesses as they move through the journey from first symptoms, through diagnosis to acceptance. With my coaching you can learn to accept your symptoms so that they no longer define you.

Please click on the link below to read my blog ot message me for more information.

The journey to diagnosis- My Story


#Fibromyalgia #FibroFog

The journey to diagnosis- My Story

My first diagnosis was in 2017 when I was diagnosed with Psoriotic Arthritis (PsA) followed in 2021 with Inducible Laryngeal Obstruction (ILO). I will blog about each condition separately to give more information. Looking back my symptoms started many years before this. Over the 25 years prior to diagnosis I would get random joint pain. I'd visit the doctor and be given pain killers, told nothing was broken and to rest up. Whenever I caught a virus it would take me ages to get over it with massi
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Welcome to my blog

I'm writing to introduce myself to the Mighty. I'm a life coach specialising in helping people with chronic illnesses as they move through the journey from first symptoms, through diagnosis to acceptance. With my coaching you can learn to accept your symptoms so that they no longer define you.

Please click on the link below to read my blog ot message me for more information.

The journey to diagnosis- My Story


#Fibromyalgia #FibroFog

The journey to diagnosis- My Story

My first diagnosis was in 2017 when I was diagnosed with Psoriotic Arthritis (PsA) followed in 2021 with Inducible Laryngeal Obstruction (ILO). I will blog about each condition separately to give more information. Looking back my symptoms started many years before this. Over the 25 years prior to diagnosis I would get random joint pain. I'd visit the doctor and be given pain killers, told nothing was broken and to rest up. Whenever I caught a virus it would take me ages to get over it with massi
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Welcome to my blog

I'm writing to introduce myself to the Mighty. I'm a life coach specialising in helping people with chronic illnesses as they move through the journey from first symptoms, through diagnosis to acceptance. With my coaching you can learn to accept your symptoms so that they no longer define you.

Please click on the link below to read my blog ot message me for more information.

The journey to diagnosis- My Story


#Fibromyalgia #FibroFog

The journey to diagnosis- My Story

My first diagnosis was in 2017 when I was diagnosed with Psoriotic Arthritis (PsA) followed in 2021 with Inducible Laryngeal Obstruction (ILO). I will blog about each condition separately to give more information. Looking back my symptoms started many years before this. Over the 25 years prior to diagnosis I would get random joint pain. I'd visit the doctor and be given pain killers, told nothing was broken and to rest up. Whenever I caught a virus it would take me ages to get over it with massi