I'm normally quite a positive person, full of hope and have a go getter personality. But the last year I find myself struggling to remain hopeful. It's hard to hope and look forward to things when with no warning at all you can flare. I find the winter is especially challenging for me. While writing this it is 1 degree here in Joburg South Africa. I just woke up and my body feels like it went through a boxing match. I have always been able to pull myself up, push through the pain and ignore all my feelings, but this has led my body to say no, and now I have autoimmune issues. So how does one stay positive and hopeful when you want to allow yourself to heal and rest, yet you want to conquer the world and be bright, sunny, inspiring, energetic? It's like I have a split personality in my mind. The person I know I can be and once was and then this new me, the exhausted, in pain, and depressed me. I hope it won't always be like this, and I hope that things will change. But right now......it sucks!! #CPTSD #Anxiety #Depression #PsoriaticArthritis #Spondyloarthritis #ankolysingspondylitis #HypermobilitySyndrome #RaynaudsPhenomenon