"What movies get you through tough times?
Share your go-to movies for when you’re struggling by posting a Thought or Question using the hashtag #CheckInWithMe. "

My Go To Movies:
If my kids are home:
No DOUBT! #Tangled ! Love that movie and so do my daughters it is good for all of us. My #SpecialNeeds daughter with a#servicedog (she's 8) my well child who is 10 and for Mom who is on palliative care with systemic #Scleroderma  Eugene is hilarious!

If it is just Mom home (aka me)
and I am having a decent health day aka: no falls, #incontinence, headaches, low sugars, #pvcs, belly pain, shortness of breath, chest pain or #raynauds and I can type - I am all about #theProposal Ryan Reynolds make is all better (betty white ...too)

Finally: ON a bad #AutoImmune day #Scleroderma day #aslan puts it all in perspective. Until the next day. Because there WILL indeed BE ONE. Yes. "Courage Dear Heart"