Special Needs

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Special Needs
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What advice would you give other parents about working with their child’s therapists?

One of the aspects of raising a child with special needs is having all sorts of other professionals involved in your and your child’s life.

Learning the best way to manage these relationships has been a steep learning curve for me! I’ve had some really good experiences, and others that have left me traumatized!

If I had to give one piece of advice to other parents just starting out with their child’s therapists I would say, be careful of any therapist who leaves you feeling incompetent as a parent when you leave the room!

There’s a big difference between feeling inspired to do more or even challenged (and a little uncomfortable) and feeling totally rubbish about yourself! The good therapists know how to challenge and inspire you to be the best parent you can without leaving you crushed.

What advice would you give to other parents about working with their child’s therapists? #SpecialNeeds #childtherapy #childtherapists #workingwiththerapists #Autism


Calling all parents of kids with special needs and disabilities!

Hi there, I've just created a group for parents of children with special needs and disabilities.

I'd love you to join!


I have two adopted children, one of whom has special needs. We're in the process of an autism assessment at the moment.

I'd love to connect with other parents and caregivers with similar and different experiences. I've made it a closed group because I think it's important that we can share and encourage each other in privacy.

#SpecialNeedsParenting #SpecialNeeds #Autism #Parenting #SpecialNeedsParent #specialneedsmom #autismparent #disabledchild #raisingadisabledchild #Children #Child #autisticchild #Carer #ADHD #childmentalhealth #anxiousparent #parentanxiety

Please join... I would love to meet you and hear your story :)

Parents of children with special needs and disabilities | An Online Health Community

This group is a safe place for parents and caregivers of disabled children and children with other special needs to come together, encourage each other, and share insights, wisdom, thoughts and questions.
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Looking for a community with other parents of kids with special needs

I’ve just joined The Mighty family & would love to connect with other parents of children with special needs. I don’t know which groups are still active!

We’re just in the process of an autism assessment with my 8 year old son.

If you are also raising a child or children with special needs, I would love to hear from you! #SpecialNeeds #specialneedskids #SpecialNeedsParent #disabledchild #Autism #Autistic #autisticchild #parentmentalhealth


I can't connect with my children unless I'm connected to myself

I've just joined The Mighty community and was thrilled to find this group! I love all the real and honest reflections.

I'm mum to two beautiful, adopted children who are both exquisitely sensitive and struggle to regulate their intense emotions. The greatest gift they have given me is bringing me to the end of myself to a place where I've had to search deep within to be able to meet them with the genuineness and authenticity that they so badly need.

I've realized in such a profound way that we need to love and embrace our own inner child if we are ever going to be able to connect with the children in our care. #authentic #Parenting #SpecialNeeds #SpecialNeedsParenting #MentalHealth #connecting #Children #Grace #genuine #innerchild

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Thank you

I'm new in this community & this is my first post!

Over the last few years, as I've journeyed into the world of parenting a child with special needs, I've often been encouraged by stories on The Mighty that have made me laugh and cry and somehow captured something of what it's really like to be on this amazing, confusing, beautiful, bewildering, often overwhelming path!

So, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has shared honestly of themselves here in this place #SpecialNeeds #ThankYou #Parent #SpecialNeedsParent #Autism #Autistic #LearningDifficulties #MentalHealth

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Inclusion Driven by a Pinewood Derby Race

This school in Pennsylvania read my book, “Kelly and the Great Pinewood Derby" about Kelly, a boy with Down syndrome. They read the book to the entire Kindergarten classes. Now they have started building derby cars. The superintendent of their district was on hand to help cut the cars! Here he is with Drew!! This is so cool! They are getting prepared for a pinewood derby race they will have in honor of World Down Syndrome Day.

#downsyndrome #downsyndromelove #downsyndromeawareness #koala #Bullying #childrensbook #Kellyandkelso #Friendship #Kindness #Downrightperfect #trisomy21 #TheLuckyFew #t21 #stopbullying #Inclusion #SpecialNeeds #Books #Book #booksforkids #kidsbookstagram #booksforchildren #childrenbooks #childrenbookillustration #childrensillustration #kidsbookswelove #bookswelove #lovethisbook

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Hi #MightyINsighters Please feel free to share in this virtual cup of coffee ☕️ or hot chocolate 🍫 and #CheckInWithMe and let me know how you are doing? Truly I want to know - the good the bad and everything in between. How are YOU? #MentalHealth #Adoption #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #SpecialNeeds #Wanted #Chosen #Loved