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My Podcast/Blog Party Month Is Here- My Book Giveaway Competition and a peek at Chapter 21…A Drive Down Memory Lane

I've been a contributor to The Mighty for over 6 years and had over 40 articles published. To say thank you to my followers and readers, I'd like to give you an opportunity to have a gift from me.

July is my birthday month, and I’m very excited to announce I’m running a competition on my podcast and my blog to give away a copy of my book:

“My Medical Musings, A Story of Love Laughter Faith and Hope, Living With A Rare Disease “.

All you need to do is listen to a podcast episode, or read a blog post,and leave a review or comment.

There will be three episodes/posts throughout July, each giving an opportunity for you to enter the competition.

Heres the link to the first competition blog post episode:

Podcast/Blog Party Month Is Here- A Book Giveaway Competitio...

Here's the link to the podcast episode:
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Podcast/Blog Party Month - An E-Book reading from my book... Chapter 21, A Drive Down Memory Lane.

I would love nothing more than a Mighty subscriber to be the recipient of my book.

Love, Sam x

#BookExcerpt #bookgiveaway #competition #Birthday #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #bonedisease #brokenbones #RheumatoidArthritis #Colostomy

Podcast/Blog Party Month - An E-Book reading from my book... Chapter 21, A Drive Down Memory Lane. by Medical Musings With Sam

July is my birthday month, and I’m very excited to announce I’m running a competition on my podcast and the blog to give away a copy of my book: "My Medical Musings, A Story of Love, Laughter, Faith and Hope, Living With A Rare Disease " All you need to do to enter the competition is listen to a podcast episode and leave a review or comment on either Spotify for Podcasters, Apple Podcasts, or Audible or your usual Podcast listening app. If you are not a podcast listener, you can also leave a review in the comment section of the blog post at, also being published today, and you will also be added to the competition draw at the end of the month!! So, without further ado, here's the first e-book style excerpt from my book: Chapter 21, A Trip Down Memory Lane
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My Podcast "Virtual Book Tour"

Im very excited to announce I've just had my first book published, "My Medical Musings , A Story of Love, Laughter, Faith and Hope; Living with a Rare Disease.

I'm so grateful to The Mighty for publishing 70 of my articles since 2017. Their support gave me confidence to write my first book and they get a mention in my story.

To promote my book, I'll be hosting each week on my Podcast, Medical Musings with Sam, a "Virtual Book Tour".

I've just recorded the Virtual Tour Announcement / Advertisement.

It's only a 2min listen with all the info you need to get ready to come on a "Virtual" tour with me!📚🎤📚

#booklaunch #RareDisease #Podcast #mymedicalmusings #ChronicIllness #booktour #bookgiveaway #Virtualtour

Announcing My Podcast"Virtual Book Tour" by Medical Musings With Sam

I’m really excited to announce I’ve decided to do a “Virtual Book Tour” of sorts, through my Podcast, Medical Musings with SamIf you want to be a part of my Virtual Book Tour and not miss an episode, the best way to ensure you are with me “on the virtual bus”, (so to speak) is to follow both my blog and Podcast. You can also like and follow my  Facebook Page, My Medical Musings, as I’ll be sharing each Virtual Tour episode there.
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