My Podcast/Blog Party Month Is Here- My Book Giveaway Competition and a peek at Chapter 21…A Drive Down Memory Lane
I've been a contributor to The Mighty for over 6 years and had over 40 articles published. To say thank you to my followers and readers, I'd like to give you an opportunity to have a gift from me.
July is my birthday month, and I’m very excited to announce I’m running a competition on my podcast and my blog to give away a copy of my book:
“My Medical Musings, A Story of Love Laughter Faith and Hope, Living With A Rare Disease “.
All you need to do is listen to a podcast episode, or read a blog post,and leave a review or comment.
There will be three episodes/posts throughout July, each giving an opportunity for you to enter the competition.
Heres the link to the first competition blog post episode:
Podcast/Blog Party Month Is Here- A Book Giveaway Competitio...
Here's the link to the podcast episode:
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Podcast/Blog Party Month - An E-Book reading from my book... Chapter 21, A Drive Down Memory Lane.
I would love nothing more than a Mighty subscriber to be the recipient of my book.
Love, Sam x
#BookExcerpt #bookgiveaway #competition #Birthday #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #bonedisease #brokenbones #RheumatoidArthritis #Colostomy