Dealing with the medicaid office can be stressful. I had to call them for the first time in my life but certainly won't be the last, but I thought I would share a little snippet of the conversation to bring a little bit of joy, cause I sure giggled about it later:

Worker: are you disabled?

Me: yes.

Worker: How long have you been disabled?

Me: since birth.

Worker: *shocked* excuse me? Since birth?

Me: *confused by reaction* yes. Since birth

This was genuine shock, the worker wasn't trying to be mean or judgemental. You would have thought that she never met someone that was born with their disability... Maybe she hadn't. Maybe she was surprised how calm and matter of fact I was and not shy about it. I don't shy away from facts. Still, the experience of it was so funny to me. I hope it brought a little bit of a smile to your face
#CentersForMedicareAndMedicaid #Disability #MentalHealth #HealthInsurance #funny #cerebalpalsy #Stroke #PediatricStroke