As a Christian, I do know that things can change if God choses to heal and I have to be there for others. Being a Pastors wife and involved in Christian Biblical Counseling I have some tools to help myself. However, sometimes I feel less by the people I am there to help, because of all they know about me missing church or activities. Somehow, because I can't hold a job outside the home, when I am there to help others I feel they think I am weak and what wisdom I have to offer is not taken seriously. I know that anything I do that helps someone is because of the Lord. he gets all the glory and I love it. But my flesh is weak at times and I feel hurt. Pray I get over that for good!#Fibro Fog#Stroke #IBS #chronicm ygraines#AnxietyAttack #chronicbackpain #Chronicbackpain#FibromyalgiaDiagnosis