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Well, I decided to take a break from this app because I thought I didn't need help anymore. Thats far from the truth. My depression has gone downhill again. And I think I might even have an eating disorder (I am going to talk to a therapist on the 24th so hopefully I'll be able to address that. I will not say I have one until then.)

So, I decided I will probably come back on again. I just need support from people who understand my struggles. Who can help me out. I'm sorry for not being active. And I've been having unwanted memories spark more than normal. Thank you for reading

#Depression #MentalHealth #emotinalabuse #SocialAnxiety #SocialAnxietyDisorder #paranaoia #SocialPhobia #ADHD #MightyTogether #EatingDisorders

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Content warning. Divorce Custody Emotional abuseThe legal System and Disability

I feel so intimidated and stressed with how my ex has so much money and is part of the boys club where I live. I don't attend church, live spiritually and left him. All still big no nos. I know it sounds crazy but its true and the courts made sure I knew I was a bad person for that. Leaving me with nothing and fully ignoring my lack of support or financial situation. My ex got everything. I made it though. Now my ex is abusing the system by telling me I don't deserve what it takes for one year of compensation while our son lives here. I posted about this before. Now though, its a waiting game to see if I get help. This started in November. My son tearfully told me he wanted to live here and I can't get a reasonable agreement. He wanted me to take under the table payments. I said no and for this, he is furious. If I had agreed, its illegal and I would lose everything. Hes immoral and predatory. Please, just keep me in your thoughts. Maybe send free lawyer vibes lol #Anxiety #Disability #emotinalabuse