Discovery and critical thinking
One of the things I'm discovering I love to do is explore and adventure in new ideas and places. In my childhood I was mocked, manipulated and punished for this swashbuckling and consequently I buried it, to my immense harm. Coming back to adventuring now, I'm realising that because of the ways my parents abused me in childhood, I learned that my worthiness for recognition was based on staying put, shutting up and agreeing with them, so rejecting my own thoughts, feelings and desires. But...what I'm learning now is that my worth is unconditional. On top of this unconditional value (perhaps even because of it!), I can explore and adventure and understand (or not understand - that's ok too!) whatever I want AND disagree with others/the author at the end of it. I'm learning it's not disloyal to want to grow; and it's not arrogant to have a mind of my own.
#NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #Abuse #emotionalimmaturity