Narcissistic Personality Disorder

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Is It Narcissism or Gaslighting?

We know that narcissism and gaslighting both lend themselves to abusive treatment, but they are actually two different things. They’re both extremely destructive. They both have serious negative effects on the people around them. And people who are victims of narcissistic abuse or gaslighting face similar problems in determining what to do about it. Let’s take a deeper dive.

Narcissism is a psychiatric condition—a personality disorder—that’s included in the DSM and has been recognized for years. The DSM says that NPD involves “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.” Diagnostic criteria include a need for excessive admiration, a sense of entitlement, interpersonally exploitive behavior, a lack of empathy, a belief that others are envious of them, and arrogant and haughty behaviors or attitudes. Narcissism is a personality trait, while clinically, Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a psychiatric condition.

(I will not now be discussing politics. Diagnosis-at-a-distance is not valid or desirable. Diagnosis can only be made by a mental health professional who has actually spoken to the person in question.)

Gaslighting, on the other hand, is a form of psychological manipulation that narcissistic abusers sometimes use to control another person by making them doubt their own reality and sanity. But people other than narcissists use gaslighting as well. They could simply have narcissistic tendencies but not be diagnosable or diagnosed with NPD.

In other words, narcissism focuses on a sense of grandiosity and superiority, while gaslighting focuses on the way one person manipulates another in an abusive manner.

Gaslighting gets its name from a movie that showed a husband who tried to convince his wife that she was insane, for personal gain. The term has entered the non-psychiatric discourse and is used very loosely to mean any kind of abusive tactics rather than the specific one of causing another person to doubt their own reality.

Gaslighting can be one tactic that people with NPD use when they do abuse others, but there are a number of other toxic behaviors they demonstrate as well. Someone engaging in narcissistic abuse can use a variety of techniques to emotionally manipulate another person. They may belittle and demean their victim, isolate them from friends and family, and use intermittent reinforcement (in which they sometimes praise and show love for the victim, then take any opportunity to insult and blame them).

A gaslighter denies the victim’s perception of reality. They may explain their abusive behavior as “just a joke.” They may deny that their victim’s memory of an incident is true. They create a sense of cognitive dissonance in which the victim’s lived experience is at odds with what the abuser says really happened. There is obviously a great deal of overlap between gaslighting and narcissistic abuse.

The effects of narcissistic abuse or gaslighting can be severe. Victims can feel low self-esteem, internalize the abuse and believe they are to blame for it or brought it on themselves, feel alienation from friends and family, have difficulty trusting others, be unable to make decisions, and not feel able to maintain a sense of self. They frequently stay with the abuser, unable to recognize what is happening. They may feel they can change the abuser. They can’t.

The best way to counteract the harmful effects of narcissistic abuse or gaslighting is to get away from it. Admittedly, this is difficult to do. The victim may have been conditioned to believe that the abuser loves them and not want to give up on the relationship. Even if the victim does leave, it may take a long time and most likely therapy for them to realize what actually happened and define it as abuse.

Setting boundaries can help, though an abuser is not likely to respect them. Seeking support from friends, family, a psychologist, or group therapy may well be necessary. Couples counseling is not likely to help. The abuser may not admit that they need help. Education can be empowering. Once you learn about the dynamics and techniques of abuse or gaslighting, you’re less likely to be susceptible to them.

But the best thing to do is not to get involved with a narcissist or a gaslighter in the first place. It’s a situation that’s a lot easier to get into than to get out of. Watch for red flags, then keep your distance. They may seem attractive at first, but they’re trouble waiting to happen.

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Guy crashing car on purpose?

I was just wondering about y’all’s thoughts here. I started liking this guy and our feelings were super strong for eachother. Before we started anything serious I told him I needed to be single for myself. The same night he messaged me saying he crashed his car and I can’t help but feel like he did it on purpose to make me feel bad for him. Have any of you expierenced anything like that with a guy? Is it likely? The way he talked is what lead me to believe he did this on purpose, and the timing of it all. Please let me know what you think NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder


#Bipolar #MentalHealth #Anxiety #ADHD #PTSD #PostpartumDisorders #Cyclothymia Nighttime Brain Dump

My life is so stressful and chaotic. I personally suffer with #Cyclothymia #Bipolar #Anxiety #ADHD #PTSD #PostpartumDisorders #Adjustment Disorder with #attachmenttrauma
I also suffer from #Co -depenency
My current husband has #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder
#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder .
My Mom has #Bipolar and My Dad has #Bipolar and #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder
I believe I was born as an Angel and a Child of God. I’m Christian. At 5 and 6 years old I was physically abused by my Uncle. At 14 years old, I had to pack my bags and be taken away from my Mom who was #Manic at the time. She has attempted suicide several times by pills. The last attempt was November 2023. My sister, was diagnosed with #BreastCancer November 2023. November is also my birthday month. My best friend, Ashley, died from a head on collision on the freeway from a Drunk Driver, on my birthday, at 19 years old.
I come from a long history of abuse and trauma. In High School, my Dad and Stepmom would lock up food and other essentials in their room. They withheld food from us. I have food scarcity issues to this day. On May 4, 2023 I found out that my Husband of 13 years had been cheating on me throughout our relationship and marriage. I got a Restraining Order for Emotional Abuse. My only child and I were in hiding for about 6 weeks until my court hearing that my husband filed for Emergency Custody Rights and Legal Separation. He filed in the paperwork that I was Unstable, not taking my medication, and supervised visits. He wanted to pay me zero spousal support and zero Child support. We settled out of court in June 2023, the day before the hearing. My husband was an #Alcohoic and #Addiction to bad behaviors. He lied, cheated, and spent money that was supposed to support the family. To say I’m devastated is an understatement.
My #MentalHealth is suffering because I am still in the same house, in the same bed, with my Husband.
How can I go on like this?
I’ve never been suicidal but I’m exhausted. I’m current seeing my Psychiatrist and Therapist for treatment. I’m even doing IV #ketamine Treatments.
I know I deserve better in so many ways. Any ideas or suggestions on how to move on from here? I’m suffering even though I know I deserve a life that is better. 🙏

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Getting the courage

I dont know when and how I’m going to find the courage to leave him. God he terrorizes me daily. Before this man even opens his eyes and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is manipulation in the morning. Completely shits on my morning. And then I have to deal with the mind games of him playing victim “what’s wrong? Are you mad at me? I love you!” LIKE STOP FUCKING WITH MY HEAD.

He never takes me seriously or respects when I’m irritated with him. Just now he tried to do this playing dumb game he does where he’s like “should I get the free upgrade for my phone that’s just as good or should I spend several hundred dollars for the iPhone max upgrade?” I looked at him irritated and was like “stop fucking with me” (I think the answer is obvious you should choose the free option???). And he just looked honestly confused and said “why?” I got irritated and rolled my eyes and he proceeded to get “overwhelmed” with “how cute I am when I’m mad”.

He even tried to get a pic of me. So invalidating. He doesn’t even care that I was irritated. This is so exhausting. It’s like this constantly. And I have to fight him and beg him to stop doing the “playing dumb/victim game”. Which doesn’t always work. What the fuck is he doing?

#Abuse #MentalHealth #Anxiety #PTSD #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder

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I'm a survivor #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder

I have been in a marriage of 25 years to a narcissist and I never really knew what to call the abuse. I knew deep down something was off but when I tried to get proof it ended up making me look crazy. Now I have bipolar per a stay in the mental ward. He took my independence and turned me into this controlled, fearful, scared and isolated woman. One day a friend of mine said to me that what he was doing was emotional abuse. So I have been doing a lot of soul searching and coming to terms with this. I am in domestic violence classes, I am in a 12 step fellowship due to my use of opiates. I have a great support group that stands behind me. Today I am working on myself and healing. I am leaving him March 1st and moving on with my life. I'm learning to forgive him so I can grow into that independent woman I always knew was there!

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Sexual trauma from narc spouse

Tw: sexual abuse, graphic

It’s crazy to think or say this. But I think my own husband has sexually abused me. He has a thing for anal. I’d never done it before and never wanted to. He got upset saying “so I’ll never get to do it again?” And guilt tripped me into trying it. I was so uncomfortable. It was downright painful at times. I didn’t enjoy it really at all but he didn’t care. He would guilt trip me into doing it. Idk I read online at that time you’re supposed to at least try for your partner so I did but he just kept pushing even when I would tell him how miserable it was. How uncomfortable it was, how it would burn, or ache etc. I mean it didn’t really give me any pleasure at all. I remember feeling so confused and stuck because I kept trying to explain to him like “I know you want this but this is making me miserable and I don’t want to do it. I have tried and I really don’t want to anymore.” I would beg him not to make me, and he would still push the idea and make me feel guilty for not “giving him what he wanted”. He was so ENTITLED TO MY BODY. That’s what it is. I just can’t believe for years my own husband has been doing this to me. How am I going to process that? I never understood why he didn’t care to stop when it hurt or when I did ask him to stop he would still act bummed instead of concerned for me. He would also compare/bring up his ex who had “no problem with anal”.

#PTSD #Abuse #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Sonia. I'm here for many reasons. Recently my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, and I would like support on how to help her navigate this stage in her life, while I'm dealing with my own mental issues, such as anxiety. My biggest concern in life right now is that I have had a series of unhealthy friendships and relationships that had led me to feel very anxious and isolated from people. I'm currently in a relationship which has been turbulent since the beginning. Even though the guy is a very nice person, after almost two years of knowing him, I'm starting to believe he has some traits of narcissism. I had previously dealt with two people who were narcissistic and it's just a dark life, however, I feel like I truly love him. Despite all that, I finally feel stable with a good job and good people around me, so my goals are to inform myself on topics that can help me feel emotionally stable so I can enjoy the good things happening around me and give others joy.

#MightyTogether #PTSD #ADHD #Anxiety #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder

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