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When I need support the most, it hurts to much to talk about and when I feel ok I dont want to talk about it cause it brings me down.#Depression #Grief #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #Loneliness #SocialAnxiety #bored

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An In-Depth Look At What “Self-Love” Looks Like, How It’s Different Than “Self-Care”, And A Reminder That Self-Love Is At The Top Level Of Everything

There is More talk about Self-Care than the Most Critical Key to Happiness and Great Relationships of all types——-“SELF-LOVE”.

With this in-depth look at what Self-Love looks like-for your own personal growth, I would like you to take an honest look inwards and determine if you Practice Self-Love.
If you’re not, or if you’re not doing all of the bullet points given below, don’t worry— “Each morning, we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”

As always, let’s have a great conversation about this topic below 👇 in the comments where you can use this space for your own place in your mental wellness journey. Not your mental illness journey— I am here as a friend to guide you through to the other side as much as possible—yes, that is where I stand, and the magic only happens if you let me—so how about more group members join in for your sake.

The Mighty friends that have opened themselves up to this opportunity are telling me and showing me that they are really starting to get it, and they are taking bigger, new, determined steps in their lives.

"Self-Love" refers to a deeper internal state of accepting and valuing yourself unconditionally, while "self-care" focuses on taking practical actions to maintain your physical and mental wellbeing, like getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and engaging in activities you enjoy; essentially, self-love is the mindset that drives you to practice self-care. Self-Love is the mindset too that heals the pain and keeps you in the light, Determined to keep pushing away any darkness and to stop doubting yourself.

Key points to remember:
* Self-love:
* A feeling of intrinsic worth and acceptance, regardless of circumstances
* Becoming your own best friend - treating yourself with the same respect and understanding you would give a close friend.
* Be the love you never received.
* Includes embracing your flaws
* Foundation for setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing your needs
* learn to say no when needed and clearly explain why
* Don’t seek Anyone’s validation
* Positive self-talk: Use encouraging language to speak to yourself, focusing on your strengths and accomplishments.
* Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, recognizing negative self-talk and actively replacing it with positive affirmations/relabel upsetting thoughts
* Say something nice to yourself in the mirror — looking into your eyes & smile at yourself & say “I love you”and your name. (Yes, I actually stop myself to do this & it’s Wonderful)
* cultivate self-compassion
* Encourage Yourself
* Talk to someone you trust who *Has The Capacity To Listen*-and, Another Big Key Here is that ***Being vulnerable - completely honest and thorough- about what you’re going through with someone else is a major form of self-love because you’re taking the time to dig deep, regardless of how uncomfortable it is, And, on top of that, you’re showing yourself that you want to work out whatever’s going on with you***
* avoid comparing yourself to others
* practice gratitude
* Seek out opportunities for growth
* Creating a safe zone all your own is an act of self-love because it gives you a designated area where you can focus on your needs and emotions instead of other people’s. The key here is creating a space that feels good and peaceful when life is neither of those things.
#MentalHealth #Mindfulness #Selflove #Selfcare #Selfharm #SuicideAttemptSurvivors #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Suicide #Trauma #MajorDepressiveDisorder #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #Depression #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Agoraphobia #BingeEatingDisorder #EatingDisorders #EatingDisorder #ChronicIllness #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #LymeDisease #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #PostTraumaticStressDisorder #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #PTSD #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #AutonomicDysfunction #AuditoryProcessingDisorder #Deafness #ADHDInGirls #ADHD #AspergersSyndrome #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Addiction #CerebralPalsy #IntellectualDisability #Disability #Blindness #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorderBPD #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Migraine #IfYouFeelHopeless #BrainInjury #MotorDisorders #MultipleSclerosis #RheumatoidArthritis #Arthritis #Grief #Loneliness #AnorexiaNervosa #Relationships #SocialAnxiety #FamilyAndFriends #Caregiving #CrohnsDisease #CysticFibrosis #AlopeciaAreata #Cancers #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #ParkinsonsDisease #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #POTS #Stroke #Diabetes #SelfharmRecovery #RareDisease #DownSyndrome #AddisonsDisease #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveandRelatedDisorders #ObsessiveCompulsivePersonalityDisorder #DissociativeIdentityDisorder

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Who believed in you?

I had a teacher who encouraged I was.doimg in english class during 8th grade, who actually "praised" the writing to the class by reading entries aloud and telling my.classmated that "this" was the sort of thing he was tryimg to get us to tap into, the free writing associations of the person who resides submeged within our self. This has been part of the impetus life to keep up with exploring and explaining what i feel in early recovery.when emotions come back, when withdrawal and.struggles are real, and moments are soaked in suffering even to simply exist, or when i domt.*want to exist. For this reason i name Mr. Porcaro, wherever he is for the.positive encouraging presence in of a hurting kid, and hooe that anyone.who reads this may remember the.people who so affected them and how they did so and recall how to use those.encouragements to rebuild theirself.#PTSDSupportAndRecovery #freewriting

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I Took a HUGE Risk

After struggling with cPTSD, chronic pain, depression and anxiety for decades I developed a serious apathy problem, which is why I created this group.

I wanted to let you know that I have just reinvented my whole life to force myself to completely overhaul all of my dysfunctional patterns. The impetus for the change was being run off the road by an idiot aggressive driver who had no regard for my life. My car was totaled after I rolled it, but I walked away with no broken bones or signs of brain injury. There are just two big hematomas on my head that are still being absorbed exactly one month later.

This gave me much to think about. I lost my job because it required having a car and I had no replacement opportunity. So I moved to a spectacularly beautiful mountainous area four hours away from anyone I know. I did it to accept an invitation from a new friend who is trying to build something sustainable on her property but needs help.

A change of this magnitude is honestly what I needed, but is probably more than most people can manage. It has invigorated me though, so reach for some change for yourself. You need to be invigorated or you would not have joined this group.

Look at the graphic I used for this post and think about “radical” changes you can implement in your own life. Pick something—ANYTHING that inspires you—and work your way through those attitude steps. Do something different today. Make whatever sized accomplishment is appropriate for your life. Go for it.

Sign up for a class,
Go outside for a short walk,
Start a journal,
Plan a trip,
Call someone who can help you,
Start a project,
Make some art,
Whatever you need to do to invigorate yourself a bit. You need it! You deserve it!

#MentalHealth #Anxiety #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #ChronicIllness #Depression #Fibromyalgia #PTSD #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #ChronicPain #apathy #MajorDepressiveDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder

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Hi Friends,

It has been exactly one month since I last updated everyone with what's going on in my life. First off, 2025 happened so fast but is off to a great start.

I usually only write when I'm puzzled or going through something traumatic in my life, but I want to shift that narrative and also write when I'm doing well. Although it's been a constant struggle coping with BPD & PTSD, I find that it gets easier once I've accepted that no one day is going to be the same. The ups and downs will happen - but knowing and believing that things will work out calms my soul.

My relationship has been going well. My boyfriend and I are now 1 year and 2 months into our relationship. Last year was challenging because we fought nearly every day. Now I know it was because we were still learning each other & were dealing with our own traumas. However, we've both found a happy medium. We've been practicing healthy communication and are way more supportive and respectful of each other now.

As for therapy, I was consistent for several weeks but had to stop. Come to find out, my health insurance was cancelled back in September and I was slapped with a $700 invoice from the mental health clinic. Not fun... lol. But I'm not worried. Everything will be resolved soon and hopefully I can start seeing my therapist once a week or perhaps twice a month.

I also got hired for a second job. Not only do I work a full-time job as a Junior Cybersecurity Analyst, but I will now be working part-time as a Pharmacy Technician. I'm trying not to overwork myself and get as much rest as I can, but I find that being busy and doing things that benefit my life in a positive way makes me feel good about myself.

I have also been doing well with being sober and even started to work out atleast twice a week. My goal is to turn it to 4 times a week, but I know that will take some time.

Overall, I want to thank The Mighty once again for giving me an outlet and access to a community that shows so much empathy and love.

You will hear from me again.

As for now, take care.

#TheMighty #CheckInWithMe #Forgiveness #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Relationships #Healing #Anxiety #Bpdrecovery #MentalHealth #PTSD #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #PostTraumaticStressDisorder

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Why am I afraid of being alone

Yes am an introvert not the isolating one but I feel comfortable away from people but all the time I want to be in a relationship am afraid of being single am afraid of feeling lonely am afraid of opening my phone and there is no one special who is thinking about me . So how I heal is one breakup to another relationship .Is it that I question my worth is it that I create my value by having someone besides me
#MentalHealth #PTSDSupportAndRecovery

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This Weekend WE are going to practice something special TOGETHER 😄🙌🦋

And then, we will all Keep Doing This VITAL, easy, short practice.

One of the many things I learned from the “Resilience Skills” University online course I took that I keep teaching you about here only in this group is that Resilience Needs Mindfulness.

And, 1 of the first things to learn about Mindfulness is how to practice conscious breathing and why.

Mindfulness conscious breathing exercise to practice daily 3 or 4 times—
In/Out: This is the first practice on Conscious Breathing:

breathe in (a good, deep inhale), and say or think “I know that I am breathing in”,
breathe out (a longer, full exhale), and say or think “I know that I am breathing out”

After a while of practicing this, you can shorten the cue words to saying or thinking simply “In” on the Inhale, and “Out” on the Exhale.

“When we continue to practice like this, something wonderful happens—-we stop the thinking.
This is already a miracle happening because when we think too much, we are not truly ourselves. But this way, our mind and our body becomes aligned/in the same place; instead of our body here but our mind is elsewhere— in the past or in the future.

If we practice breathing in and out with some concentration, we attain what is called the oneness of body and mind.
The body and mind are unified and you begin to be there truly yourself.

When you are not really there, you cannot see things clearly and deeply. You miss everything, everything seems to you not clear, vague.”

Running to the future or going back to the past- you miss life, that is only here in the present moment.

Breathing in and out consciously is how to get back to the present moment.

What you are looking for —joy, inner peace, freedom …is all in the present moment.

If you feel agitated and not solid, vulnerable, breakable — then you practice this in order to get solid again:

Practice sitting in a stable position and practice breathing in and out. Saying “breathing in, I see myself as a mountain, breathing out I feel solid.

From time to time, a very strong emotion overwhelms us. That emotion could be anger or despair or fear. And when we are overwhelmed by a strong emotion we feel very vulnerable, like we may die, But we are more than our emotions. We are more solid than we think. And therefore, practicing being solid like a mountain is very helpful.

Source: Thich Nhat Hahn’s The Art of Mindful Living (read by the great man himself on YouTube — I am always so calmed by his voice even.)

#Mindfulness #MentalHealth #Selfcare #Depression #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #MajorDepressiveDisorder #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #MoodDisorders #PTSD #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #Agoraphobia #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Trauma #BipolarDisorder #BipolarDepression #AnorexiaNervosa #Addiction #EatingDisorders #Selfharm #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Grief #Suicide #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #CerebralPalsy #Cancer #MultipleSclerosis #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #ADHD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #PanicAttacks #PanicAttack #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyCondition #Relationships #FamilyAndFriends #RareDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #Arthritis #CrohnsDisease #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #Caregiving #SocialAnxiety

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Redefining Your Narrative - Motivation, Empowerment, and a Pep Talk from my heart.

Brene Brown, PhD was one of my first and most impactful teachers at the start of my healing journey and wow, did she get me so far because she is an Emotions Researcher —- she spent the past two decades studying Courage, Vulnerability, Shame, and Empathy.

I can’t recommend her enough to also empower you on your healing, growth, and evolving journey to wellbeing and moving you towards your full potential to the best version of your authentic self.

You can watch her videos on YouTube and you can find her transformative best-selling books, videos, and articles, and even resources like workbooks on her website Brené Brown

What I want to emphasize here is that you should never feel alone in your journey because there are so many thought leaders and experts in whatever it is you are struggling with or with what you want to get better at that have already walked the same path and figured out this complex, but not yours alone - human experience. Seek them out - Google them, search for them on YouTube— keep looking out for my posts and my conversations threads and replies to others where I keep giving out these free resources for all of what we need to better understand to thrive. You can always ask me too, and I will be happy to do what I can to help find the expert who can help you with Self-Empowerment. There is a very good chance that expert’s name or advice/wisdoms are already in my copious notes in my phone. I am a constant learner about life, emotions, psychology….and I take detailed notes so I have at my fingertips what I will need to thrive and to fill the gaps in my emotional intelligence and self-development—- all of the critical things to thrive in life empowered that many a therapist never shared with me.

I hope that Self-Empowerment becomes your new favorite term too.

And these critical terms that start with the word “Self”: Self-Regulation (includes emotion regulation and our own regulation of our physiology like our breath, and our heart rate); and Self-Awareness, and Self-Acceptance, and Self-Worth, and Self-Esteem, and Self-Love, Self-Compassion, Self-Efficacy, Self-Discipline, Self-Discovery, Self-Respect.
Am I missing any? Each one is of critical importance for all of us to master ourselves.

I never want you to feel alone, not seen, not validated, powerless, flawed, worthless, or any of that stuff because literally, to be very clear - it is b*llsh*t.

Please Don’t let those thoughts have any say to get the best of you, they are just thoughts - which are just mental events on autopilot, they are not facts -they do not hold any meaning unless we give it power and meaning.

Here is one of the very Motivational and Self-Empowerment talks by Brene Brown that I Especially hope that you will embrace to help you not just survive but thrive more through the difficult holidays right here For us not Against us.

“Part of redefining your narrative is deciding what role you want to play in your own story.

Are you the hero who rises against the odds?
Are you the creator who builds something beautiful from the rubble?

Or are you the person who remains stuck letting the past dictate the future?

The choice is yours.
And, it starts with a single decision that I Will Not Let My Pain Define Me.
I Will Let It Refine Me.

Your life is a story and every experience- both good and bad becomes a chapter in that story.

But here is the truth that many of us overlook— you are the author.

You have the power to decide how the story is told; how the events are interpreted; and what meaning you give to the things that happens to you.

Redefining your narrative is not about erasing the past or pretending it didn’t happen.
It’s about choosing to see it through a lens of growth, resilience, and possibility.

Often we get stuck in narratives that no longer serves us.
Perhaps you told yourself that a failure defines your worth; or maybe you adopted a story of victimhood where everything that went wrong is proof that life is unfair.

These narratives can feel real because they are rooted in genuine pain or disappointment, but just because they feel real doesn’t mean they have to remain the dominant story of your life.

Redefining your narrative starts with awareness. Ask yourself what story have I been telling about myself in my life. Is it a story of defeat, scarcity, or limitation?

Is it a story where someone else’s actions hold all of the power?

Once you identify the narrative that you have been carrying, you can begin to rewrite it.

*One of the most transformative ways to redefine your narrative is to shift your perspective on hardship.*

*Instead of viewing challenges as evidence of your inadequacy, consider them as chapters of growth.*

What did you learn from that relationship that didn’t work out?

What strength did you develop from that setback?

What doors opened after the one you wanted closed?

*When you redefine your narrative, you take ownership of your story.*

*This doesn’t mean ignoring the pain, or pretending everything was okay, it means looking at the past with compassion and choosing to see yourself not as a victim but as a survivor, a learner, and a person who is continually evolving.*

*It’s also important to remember that your narrative isn’t just shaped by what happens to you; it’s shaped by the meaning you assign to those events.*

Two people can go through similar experiences and come out with entirely different stories.

*One may see rejection as proof they’re not enough, while the other sees it as redirection towards something better — which meaning will you choose?*

With warm wishes,

You friend in this hard thing called life,

Dawn 🤗

#MentalHealth #MightyTogether #Mindfulness #CheerMeOn #CheckInWithMe #DistractMe #WarmWishes #IfYouFeelHopeless #Suicide #Selfharm #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #SuicideAttemptSurvivors #ChronicIllness #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Agoraphobia #Anxiety #Depression #MajorDepressiveDisorder #PersistentDepressiveDisorder #MoodDisorders #SocialAnxiety #Addiction #Disability #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #PostTraumaticStressDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BipolarDepression #BipolarDisorder #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #EatingDisorders #AnorexiaNervosa #ADHD #Relationships #FamilyAndFriends #CerebralPalsy #AutismSpectrumDisorder #AspergersSyndrome #RareDisease #AlopeciaAreata #Cancers #ChronicFatigue #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MyCondition #MultipleSclerosis #AutonomicDysfunction #PTSD #Cancer #ParkinsonsDisease #Migraine #ChronicPain #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #POTS #CrohnsDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #Caregiving

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Letter to my Inner Child

Dear Gloria,

For 33 years, you held onto pain and walked around with open wounds that nobody knew of. Wounds of a little girl who just wanted her daddy. You looked for him in everybody, and even in the shadows.

You spent so many nights crying and wondering why people continuously hurt you. All you wanted was protection and safety, and I'm sorry that so many people have failed you.

I'm sorry you were so lonely.

You are truly so beautiful inside and out. You are deserving of happiness, and of all good things that are coming your way. Your resilience is one of a kind. One day, you will mother children who will learn so much from you and will appreciate you for being so kind, loving, and strong.

You are free now, my love. Unbind yourself. Spread your wings and let yourself fly.

Love yourself always.

Yours truly.

#TheMighty #CheckInWithMe #Forgiveness #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Relationships #Healing #Anxiety #Bpdrecovery #MentalHealth #PTSD #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #PostTraumaticStressDisorder #Selflove

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Hi friends, my life has been a whirlwind since I last posted on here. On my last post, I wrote about Healing Father Wounds because it finally occurred to me that a lot of the dysfunctions, miscommunication, and disagreements in my current relationship has everything to do with my father wounds, and my boyfriend's mother wounds. It brought awareness to our relationship and made me want to learn more about myself and why I behave or think the way I do. Alot of the information was taken from Chat GPT and google search, but still very informative and helpful.

I'm officially back into therapy and have had two sessions so far. I unfortunately missed one because I was bedridden due to depression, but when I communicated this to my therapist - she was very understanding. I made sure to let her know that the whole point of seeking therapy is to not focus solely on my relationship but to dig deep and confront the root of all causes as to why or how I am the way I am today. I learned that it all started from my relationship with my father, and it never really occurred to me that I have been angry at him my whole life. I used to think it was my mother that I was angry at. I realize now that I took all of my anger out on her growing up when she didn't deserve any of that. Afterall, she tried her best. Right now, I am in the beginning stages of forgiveness. For the first time in my life, I feel hopeful and ready to start healing that very part of me that has been missing for so long.

As for my relationship, both my boyfriend and I have decided to take some time to reflect and work on ourselves. He is currently on a two-week cruise for work. We talk every single day and have been practicing gratitude. I can't lie though. I miss him terribly. We are going on day 5 now, and the first 4 days have been hell. I've been crying and moping around because I miss him so much. My separation anxiety and abandonment issues get the best of me but luckily, he does the best he can to check-in with me multiple times a day. I'll keep my head up and remain strong.

Thanks for reading.

#TheMighty #CheckInWithMe #Forgiveness #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Relationships #Healing #Anxiety #Bpdrecovery #MentalHealth #PTSD #PTSDSupportAndRecovery #PostTraumaticStressDisorder

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