I habe been awake for the past 5 hours. My insomnia was created by my anxiety and bipolar. I have an inspector showing up at my house in 3 hours. My house is spotless because I am worried about what he might of me. And since #Anxiety is in OVERDRIVE I'm worrying about stuff I don't normally think of except when a stranger is involved. I'm worried about my appearance to the point I was in the shower with boiling water scrubbing my skin raw afraid a patch of dry flaky skin will make him think negative of me, washed my hair 6x while in the shower, washed my face 4x while in there, I even shaved my legs 3x, even though he won't see my legs. I have styled my hair 10x to find a style, because I was afraid he would make fun of it. I am now on my 8th attempt on my makeup. My boyfriend knows how I get, he knows when I need space and when I need a hug. He knows when to intervene so that nothing gets broken. I'm new so I though I'd just layout my morning. #TiredOfTheseILLNESSES