Where to begin... I will do my best to keep it brief as I don't wish to dawdle on... But here's the background.

I was 20 when I had my first seizure... They claimed it was anxiety car sickness.... Fast forward through out the next 3 years of my life, and they would continue on... I then would have EEG, CT scan, bloodwork, MRI, xrays... Every possible imagining I could get.... Still nothing. Everything normal, nothing unusual. And yes that's typically great to hear but if there was nothing wrong why would I have seizures? I would be told for the next 3 years, I was doing this for attention (The ER doctor said to my mom as she watched me have a seizure), They were anxiety psychogenic seizures, they aren't real seizures (even though they'd happen awake or sleeping)..... I would accept these and then go crazy.... Taking anxiety/depression meds trying therapy and anything to help but nothing did....

My boyfriend and I chalk it up to epilepsy.... He has done his own research and that's what we are going with..... Now comes the fun part.... With no results on anything, why does this keep happening? I cannot work or finish Cosmetology school.....

I guess I am just wondering if this is normal.... to be doubted and told you're lying or crazy when in reality if you could stop these you f***king would..... Thanks for reading I look forward to feedback.... My boyfriend suggested online forums to help as this is sinking me lower into a depression. #Epilepsy #Seizures #Undiagnosed #everythingnormal #feelalone