
I would like to introduce myself, my name is Jessica. I am a 35 year old Mom, Wife, Nurse Practitioner and writer. I recently started a blog called Frozen in the Fire. I would love to share one of my stories from the blog with you all. If you are interested in reading more I have shared my blog address below. I look forward to connecting with you all!

Some time ago I came across this quote: “You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.”

Immediately after seeing that post I felt empowered like “O YEAH!!!!!” I continued to reflect on this quote and my heart began to sink a bit. The realization I had those moments was painful. My mistakes mean I would be the main character in the painful stories of others. While others would be the main character in mine... Leaving each person left with empowerment and a story, but without personal accountability.

We all make mistakes. We all make decisions that have hurt others. Either intentionally or unintentionally. Finding empowerment without accountability hinders YOU from OWNING your story. Instead the power is given to those who hurt you.

Is the story you want to define your life one in which you are the main character surrounded by those you love or one in which you play the victim surrounded by loneliness? Please understand this does NOT negate those painful experiences. Those experiences shaped you into the beautiful human you are, but someone else does NOT define you!

The truth is you do OWN everything that happened to you! Writing negatively about other people’s behavior does not excuse your own mistakes, nor does it aid in your own personal growth. To truly OWN our stories we have to heal ourselves.

Ask yourself a few questions: PLEASE KEEP IN MIND if you experienced childhood trauma the answer to the second question is NO REGARDLESS of what your brain tells you.💙

“How do I respond when I’m hurt by the actions of others?”

Was I able to make a change to prevent the pain I felt from someone else actions?

Am I hurting other people because of the hurt that I have experienced?

and if so ...

What do I need to do to stop hurting others because of my own pain and allow myself to heal?

I could write an entire novel regarding childhood trauma, abandonment, drug addiction, abuse, rape and neglect. I would be overwhelmed by the number of hours it would take to share each and every detail from as far back as I can remember. The ability to share each and every detail would do nothing to help others or myself grow.

It would however, allow me to create a barrier around my own actions...Continue reading at wordpress.com/view/frozeninthefireorg.wordpress.com