My anxiety is going to stop me getting married
I’ve always had a funny relationship with my mum...
if I done something my mum didn’t approve or didn’t agree with me on, she would make me feel guilty for it and sometimes for days..
As the years have went on my anxiety towards my mum has gotten worse to the point where I don’t want to tell her what I’m doing or my plans... it was not so long ago that she fell out with me majorly over concert tickets...
now that I’m getting married I feel like I’m not going to get a say in my wedding and what I want.
I wanted to go to a wedding dress shop just to look at wedding dresses with a friend and when I said, she went mental... never seem to do anything right sometimes. I’m not even comfortable about going dress shopping. The more I think about it the less I want to do it 😞 # #help #gettingmarried #mother #mum #Anxiety