Studies find anti-inflammation and symptom improvement from simple, safe OTC supplement.
Studies showed that oral N-acetylglucosamine produced benefits for remitting-relapsing, primary progressive and secondary progressive types of MS. After one month of supplements, nearly 1/3 of subjects reported less disability. No serious side effects were seen even after taking supplement for a long period of time. The National Institutes of Health is continuing the study, but as lead researcher Dr. Michael Demetriou (Univ. of Cal. Irvine) and WebMD point out, "anyone can get their hands on [it now] if they have $20."
Could Help Be Coming for Progressive Multiple Sclerosis?
Sugar molecule supplements may help ease inflammation in MS |...
Dietary supplement can help progressive MS on two fronts |...
#glu cosamine #MultipleSclerosis #MightyTogether #ChronicIllness #autoimmune #newlydiagnosed #Disability #Caregiving