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"Rest = health. Rest is not being lazy."

My first MS Specialist had a fantastic nurse who repeated, "Rest, rest, rest. Rest is your control. Rest all you can."

Being a type A person, I asked, "How much rest?"

She repeated, "However much rest you, personally, need. It will change from day to day, but make sure to always have time to rest."

Knowing that the nurse had 30 years' experience working with MSers, I heeded her advice quickly. This continues to make a world of difference in my health-FUL-ness.

— Redditor editproofreadfix, 59F, MS 36 years, on /r/MultipleSclerosis.

Read the supportive responses —

#rest #Stress #MultipleSclerosis #MightyTogether #ChronicIllness #autoimmune #newlydiagnosed #Disability #Caregiving

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I struggle with serious executive dysfunction. It paralyzes me, and then guilt sets in. That guilt turns into anxiety and a kind of depression. The frustrating part? I have all the resources and skills to organize my life—my job, house chores, motherhood, everything. But I just can’t. Why?

Taking my ADHD medication helps, but without it, I feel like a nobody. There’s this gap—before it kicks in in the morning and after it wears off at the end of the day—where I feel completely stuck. And the only thing that pulls me out of procrastination is eating. But then guilt creeps in, and it snowballs: anxiety → depressive state → more eating → weight gain → … and the cycle repeats. I feel trapped in it. I can do things, but I can’t. It makes me feel ungrateful. And unuseful. And an impostor.

#ADHD #EatingDisorder #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Caregiving #ImposterSyndrome

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Story of the Week: What hacks do you use to make cooking easier?

Managing daily tasks like cooking, cleaning, organizing, or running errands while dealing with a health condition and limited energy can be challenging and overwhelming. Finding ways to check things off your to-do list more efficiently can save time and help conserve energy, too.

What helps make cooking easier for you?

📚Need some inspiration? Read our Story of the Week here!
8 Cooking Hacks For When Illness Makes Cooking Seem Too Overwhelming

#ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #MentalHealth #Disability #Caregiving #RareDisease #Migraine #Stroke #CardiovascularDisease #AutonomicDysfunction
#PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #Spoonie #Lupus #Endometriosis
#Cancer #Anxiety #PTSD

8 Cooking Hacks For When Illness Makes Cooking Seem Too Overwhelming

"Some of these tricks and tips can really come in handy."
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To new members & others, Thurs. Feb. 13 is the next "NEW TO MS: Navigating Your Journey Program" virtual meeting

Connect and learn with others who are new to #MultipleSclerosis and navigating their own journeys. This program offers info on MS and its symptoms, and advice on how to manage your case. Talk to other attendees, ask questions of a health and care professional and a volunteer who is living with MS, and share your own experiences.

Also find the New to MS Resource Guide on the same page, with info from the program. Note: This program repeats on the second Thursday of every month.

Sign up at

#newlydiagnosed #autoimmune #MightyTogether #ChronicIllness #Disability #Caregiving

Empowering people affected by MS to live their best lives

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society exists because there are people with MS. Our vision is a world free of MS.
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Menstruation Management / Autism / ID

Hi caregivers!☺️
My name is Shannon. I am an occupational therapy student with my bachelors of science in special education.

I am currently seeking participants for a capstone research study. The aim of my research is to gather information about how school based instruction has impacted student’s ability to acquire skills needed to perform menstrual management tasks. This information is anonymously gathered through caregivers perspectives. Menstruation management significantly impacts quality of life, health, and school attendance of students. With information gained, I hope to one day transform how occupational therapists and school personnel can better promote autonomy of these women through intervention that meets their individualized needs. If you or anyone you know might be interested in participating in a short Zoom interview, please feel free to reach back out to me.
I need your help to shine light on this topic. #Autism #AngelmanSyndrome #FragileXSyndrome #Caregiving #SpecialNeeds #menstration

Please comment if interested. Thank you!! This study is IRB approved, I can email the flyer to those interested !

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"I'm the Mayor of Muscle Fatigue," says Pam, a mom with primary progressive #multiplesclerosis.

"I visualize that I have a little vial of energy for the day. I use it up pretty quickly, and it takes a long time to recharge."

Besides her sense of humor, she powers up with a medicine that doesn't come in pills or a vial.

"Volunteering has been huge for my mental well-being. Being part of a team, interacting with [others], and problem-solving are all wonderful ways to not only distract myself from this disease, but also learn more about available resources." Pam considers the other volunteers her support group. "They tend to [be] proactive and supportive people."

Want to give volunteering a try? Visit

#chronicillness #autoimmune #newlydiagnosed #Disability #Caregiving

Empowering people affected by MS to live their best lives

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society exists because there are people with MS. Our vision is a world free of MS.
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