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#IMPULSIVENESS #Depression #generalized #Anxiety #ADHD #CPTSD #BPD #OCD (compulsive shopping)

hey everyone..i posted a coup days ago about being very proud of myself for getting clean for a week..well i relapsed twice since then

i cannot control these impulses..if im j
not using then im online shopping and im not going to lie..i spend more then i make a month

im a caregiver so i make decent money and supposed to be saving up for a car. bc im 35 w licsense but no buying skin products, makeup,hair products

just anything that will make me look better and feel better..i actually spend more on online shopping then i do using..

idk how to fight the urges..when i got clean from meth i started biological dad got back in my life when i was on meth but didn't know I was using at the time

well he bought me any and everything i wanted..he was out of my life for my whole life and showed up in the hospital when i almost died from pumonia

well when i got clean from.meth..i was in severe withdrawal so i told him im getting clean from meth..he then stopped giving me money and buying me stuff

so i picked up on it and i wish he wouldn't have tried to buy my love bc all it has done is make me materialistic and know that his love isnt real for me..any suggestions on how to control impulsive behavior would help alot..and ty for reading my story..

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The D of difficulty at work !!

We with ADHD have natural impulsiveness and hyperactivity , hence we are more likely to quit a job when its going tough . Unfortunately , then we land up with jobs which provide less income.

Mine is the case , my hyperactivity was a boon for my marketing and advertising field but at the same time this natural tendency of mine wasnt good for my coworkers.

Now, when i am diagnosed i know why wasnt i good at paying attention to details .Although my personality and attention have always been apt for my role and responsibilities.

Yes , now i have an answer to myself because i tried to achieve those billing and mathematical efficacy. ADHD was the one failing me at work !!

#worktrouble #lackofattention #IMPULSIVENESS #hyperactivity


Do you have something special you use?

Hi I am new to this group and also am new to knowing about borderline personailty disorder. I am 27 and I just figured out whats been wrong with me my whole life up until now. Reckless behaviour extreme rages & not so smart choices when it came to men. I now am engaged and have a little girl but I need some ideas on things you guys have used to help with triggers Do you have a special stuffed animal Blanket A certain smell you like that helps bring you down HELP. I need something that will give me an INTENSE feeling. #BPDDiagnosis #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Anxiety #IMPULSIVENESS