intrusive thoughts

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Intrusive thoughts

I’m struggling something happened to me a few years ago I was inhumanly treated and that traumatised me , i was diagnosed as schizophrenia, however I don’t really agree with that, since then I’ve developed ptsd ocd and anxiety this is affecting me a lot, im experiencing intrusive thoughts and it’s really affecting me, I’m exhausted and I’ve not been sleeping well, when I sleep it’s like something is happening a few times I’ve abruptly woken in a panic, im doing everything I can to get myself better, I pray, read the word everyday I also do bible quizzes, Christian word searches and reading books from Joyce meyers, I’ve already read the battle field of the mind from Joyce , I’ve got a mentor from church and also I have Christian Counseling/therapy however these intrusive thoughts are abit much, im constantly in tears because these intrusive thoughts say things about my beliefs, I also hear voices and they say things about me, im currently not having medication because I prefer natural alternative, however I’m going to speak to a psychiatrist when I have my appointment about medication, I might have medication again that’s something that I’m considering #mentalillness #PTSD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #Anxiety #IntrusiveThoughts

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Intrusive thoughts and bad feelings

Hello Mighties, hello everyone!

I write today because I was very hopeless yesterday and this night.

I struggle with intrusive thoughts and obsessive thinking. Yesterday, I ruined one of my favourite activity : hiking in mountains. I used to enjoy very much walking outside in nature but because of anxiety and fear I can’t have joy while I’m doing what I used to like. Intrusive thoughts are always more frequent, strong when I do what I care the most and when I’m surrounded by people who I care.

But these thoughts make me doubt everything and I fear that there are truth. I must consider if my thoughts are real. For example yesterday when I was hiking I thought horrible things about my father. Now when I’m writing those lines, I fear that I don’t like my dad and deep down that I’m a bad person. Following my thoughts I usually feel disgusted by myself. I can’t forgive myself. And then I replay in my mind what happened when I had these thoughts, and I started to feel frustrated because while I replay over and over stuffs in my mind I’m not living the moment. I am very frustrated and sad because I lost so many moments due to obsessive thinking and anxiety.

Yesterday I knew it will be a special moment in the mountain so I told myself that I have to be patient with anxiety. I read the articles in the Mighty concerning intrusive thoughts -articles which are very helpful-. I watched videos from the Lord of the Rings to encourage me. But it wasn’t enough I still had intrusive thoughts and terrible impulses. And this night anxiety was invasive. Sometimes I can’t let go.

I wanted to write this to feel less alone and less anxious, frustrated. Thank you Mighty to exist.
I send all my sympathy to everyone here with their struggles 🧡
#IntrusiveThoughts #Anxiety #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #obsessivethinking

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Sleep issues

My ptsd and anxiety have been making it so hard to sleep lately I take my sleeping pills which just got dosed up to 200mg but it’s still taking 4-5 hours before I can actually fall asleep , what are some things that can help ?
It’s like my mind just can’t stop cycling through traumas or constant thoughts of what ifs #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Anxiety #Trauma #IntrusiveThoughts

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Intrusive thoughts #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #MentalHealth #BipolarDisorder #Anxiety #IntrusiveThoughts

I’m sitting 🪑 here waiting for me to leave to start my shift at work and I have so many intrusive thoughts and feelings going on. I’m definitely not comfortable in this job I am supposed to have a interview scheduled for tomorrow. This is for a seemingly less stressful job. I can’t function properly at my current job because I’m extremely stressed and uncomfortable and that interrupts my ability to preform the required job functions. But it doesn’t stop 🛑 there it seems that even at home 🏡 when not working I experience consistent intrusive thoughts regardless. Because of everything that’s happening and have happened in the last few weeks in my life. I still haven’t recovered from separating from my wife and being forced to move in with my sister. And now someone who was like a brother to me seemingly has distanced himself from me. It’s hard because he was my only irl friend. I am struggling with coping with all this #CheckInWithMe

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Making friends

Hello. My name is Jill. I have been struggling with anxiety for years and I feel now that I’m in this place where I just feel stuck all the time. I feel this brain fog that comes and goes daily. I also have intrusive thoughts and irrational thoughts. I am looking for people to chat with and share experiences so we don’t feel so alone. I want to know if people are going through the same thing. #Anxiety #IntrusiveThoughts

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EMDR for intrusive thoughts?

Has anyone done EMDR for intrusive thoughts? Specifically self-harm intrusive thoughts. Did it help? Thanks! #Depression #Anxiety #OCD #IntrusiveThoughts

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“Intrusive” Thoughts?

I have struggled with three very specific, repetitive, intrusive thoughts since 2017 (yes, that was a bad year and my depression hit an all-time low), and the intensity of the thoughts has increased or stayed consistent since. On an average day, I have between 120-180 thoughts (just these three, not counting other thoughts)
The thoughts are (for the most part) the exact same wording every time, and self-harming in nature. I say they’re intrusive because they are unwanted and I feel like I have no control over them - they happen both triggered and seemingly untriggered. But at the same time, they don’t seem to fit in to any type of category. I have other “typical” intrusive thoughts about myself, depressive thoughts, etc, but these “sound” different. They have a different tone to them.
I have talked about them with different therapists, but I always feel like they don’t quite get it. My current therapist has suggested talking to my doctor about medication to help with the frequency (I do already take medication for depression). Can anyone relate? #IntrusiveThoughts #MajorDepressiveDisorder

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When working hurts

#Depression #IntrusiveThoughts #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #PTSD I need your advice from the community. I have been invested in my work and happily committed to the team. The group often sees me as a leader, and they often verbalize how I’m not a supervisor or manager. In general, my friends often tell me I suffer from imposter syndrome and that I don’t give myself credit for all I do. This time, for the first time, I felt it was time for a Promotion I had worked hard to earn. I just got out of my alignment meeting, and I received recognition for all of my work, but no promotion was offered. I asked why if I lead the team and a project I’m in charge of, I can’t still get the promotion. My manager said I needed to be exposed in the construction phase to demonstrate capacity. After I left the meeting, I realized that a new member of the team was included in the work as supervisor, she came from another division with no prior experience in our program and construction. I was devastated and I feel that no matter the effort, I’m never good enough. So why bother?

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Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts of Hurting Myself. If I have Intrusive Thoughts of "what if I end my own life" am I in danger/need to see a doctor?

#IntrusiveThoughts #Anxiety

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