I'm having my Loop Recorder taken out!
In October of 2017, I had a loop recorder inserted to keep an eye on my heart. For those of you that don't know, a loop recorder is a small device (about the size of a small USB stick) that is basically an internal ECG.
But since I've had it in, I've had pain around it, and spontaneous bruises that really hurt and come out of nowhere. Thankfully, I just received a call saying that they can take it out! And I'm so happy. But I'm worried about the procedure.
Having the thing put IN was bad. I ended up with an infection and the pain was really bad. They had to sedate me to put it in because I was panicking so much.
From what I've found online about how they remove it, it looks like it's really gonna hurt. Has anyone had it removed? What was your experience? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
#POTS #posturalorthostatictachycardia #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #looprecorder #ecg #chronicillnesswarrior #InterstitialCystitis #ChronicPain #LiverDisease #NAFLD #Migraines #Diabetes