Step zero is where the person has to be told that something is up and they may need to seek help or something isn't quite how it used to be. It could be something such as a medication change is affecting their behavior and they are unaware of the change.
Step one is is recognizing and accepting that there is something going on that needs to be addressed.
Step two is being able to ask for help which takes a lot and can cause problems just from that.
Step three is getting help from a professional.
Step four is treatment then possibly recovery. Some never make it to recovery as treatment will be life long.

I believe that mental health and help should be much more normalized. Up until recently it has been more of a #taboo subject. People are afraid to speak up when something is wrong or when they need help. There is a negative #Stigma attached to mental health patients. That needs to change in order to make it more socially acceptable to seek help for an illness such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder, etc. Seeking help for an illness doesn't make a person bad, or mean they are weak, it means they feel that it is the best thing for their health and is the best way to help their illness.

End the stigma on ! It is not taboo to seek help for an illness!