Hi! I wanted to share a tip for those dealing with nausea.

A couple years back my acupuncturist recommended getting nausea bracelets (also referred to as Sea-Bands). I found mine at Bartell Drugs. They can also be found on amazon, though.

To find the acupuncture point, place three fingers right below your palm, at the beginning of your wrist. Press down with your thumb on the other side of the three fingers and feel around for the point. For those who’ve had acupuncture, it kind of feels like that, but for those who haven’t, it feels different than pressing down on a random point in your arm. That is a terrible description and I’m sure there are videos on the internet that can help. Anyway, place the little plastic bump of the bracelet on this spot and you’re good!

It may take a little while to start working, but it’s really helped me and maybe can help you. Nausea can be terrible and I hope it eases soon for you.

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