Hi Friends! Hope everyone has been living their best while I've been away. I did this for the monthly theme of releasing. It's neurographic art, pretty hard stuff to do in the beginning because you do what you don't want to do in order to break the pain/stress pathways. The coloring is more fun! I thought that would be a good thing to try for releasing. I intended to write what i was releasing there, but there wasn't quite enough room. (Loss of my spouse, pets, livelihood, income, identity and health.) I'm glad i did it, i have done a couple since then. It's a good distraction. I still am having major pain since my neck surgery, unable to bend my neck for long. But I'm feeling well enough to paint for about 10min at a time. Just really hope this procedure isn't a failure, i thought I'd be feeling great by now. Always something. 😅 Xxoo Godpa #neurographics #neurographicart #rfa #necksurgery #ChronicPain #Loss #ArtTherapy #ChronicIllness #SpinalStenosis #AnkylosingSpondylitis