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I had to put my dog down

I had to put my dog down, and I am feeling so depressed and sad. I keep expecting to see her and hear her. I had her for 15 years. I have to keep thinking she is not in pain, but it's so hard. #Furbaby #dog #Depression #Grief #Loss

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Plea of a weary person

My spouse and I need the rest of the summer, probably longer, without more loss and tragedy. We need the TIME to heal and strengthen some before the next thing happens. I just wonder, is that too much to ask? It doesn’t seem, to me, to be too much to ask.

I am desperately hoping that we have at least a couple or few months before anything else this intense happens.

#Grief #Loss

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The war zone…battles all the way

I have suffered immensely…
“I have suffered more”!
i’m totally exhausted and overwhelmed
“I’m even more so and I still pull on”
I managed to pull myself & do these tasks
“ I accomplished a lot more & better with my pain & grief”
i’m a failure
“We are all failures”
I have lost everything
“You know i was reduced to a pauper but i didn’t lose hope, worked against odds and rebuilt myself, my relationships and my fortune.”
Nobody attempts to understand how my sensibilities and outlook has changed over the years
“That’s all your imagination…besides what’s the deal with your sensibilities that is different from what we as family and friends have afforded & nurtured?”

I had a good time and visited these places
“I had a better time & did you visit Y other than X which like everyone does?”
With difficulty i managed to convince them & get the work done
“That’s always the case with me…managing people & getting most out of them”
I got this done rather cheaply for 1000 bucks
“In just 400 we got it done!”
Did you check my piece today?
“I think Y’s write up was better”
What do you think of the collection of verses along with my photographs

“Don’t look so gloomy…get out of it “
“You wallow in self-pity but one’s greatness is to maintain fortitude and equanimity against the most debilitating odds ”
“why do you take medicines for your depression? It’s all piss…be a man and face the world. Neitschze had it so.”
“Everyone loses jobs, relationships, networks and suffer. I endured all that and i still enjoy my masal dosa, payasam and chicken biryani “
“You should learn to be detached and mindful…life is transitory and full of suffering. Pranayama and mediation will help decentre..”
The overwhelmingly pervasive game mindset rendering every encounter, conversation, interaction to one of contest and it has to be won. And these with my kins very certainly and most ‘friends’ not far in contest. Negate everyone and assert the airs of extreme self assuredness, self righteousness and condescension.
#Depression #Grief #Loss #interaction #dialogue #Loneliness

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signs that your getting bad again

#Anxiety #Depression #OCD #ADHD #Grief #Mania #Loss

anytime you have theses symptoms please reach out to someone on the mighty or a therapist or doc..we are here for you..i know its hard to reach out for help when all you do is feel like a burden but everyone deserves support and help from one another..

you can personally DM me if anyone needs to talk about anything... feel free..if i dont get back to you right away then please bare w me..i will get back to you though..i promise

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May 2nd #Depression #despair #Grief #MentalHealth #Loss

When the hour is nigh
And hopelessness is sinking in
And the wolves all cry
To fill the night with hollering
When your eyes are red
And emptiness is all you know
With the darkness fed
I will be your scarecrow

-Imagine Dragons

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Tuchka passed away

On Saturday my sweetheart passed away. Tuchka (small dark cloud) joined clouds in the sky......
I'm grieving
#Grief #Loss #MightyPets #multiple Sclerosis

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Introducing Marshall #Loss #Grief #pet #dog #MentalHealth #MightyTogether

Time heals they say. The loss of our dear friend Brandy in the spring of 2023 has been difficult to move on from. There is something in our home that is missing, there is a piece missing that is needed to complete our home. Brandy was an important part of our family, that we could never replace.
Introducing Marshall

Introducing Marshall

Time heals they say. The loss of our dear friend Brandy in the spring of 2023 has been difficult to move on from. There is something in our home that is missing, there is a piece missing that is ne…
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